- He could tell the points of compass by the stars. 他能通过看星星辨别方向。
- We can not tell the real size of the stars just by looking at them. 我们光凭肉眼不能辨别这些星球的实际大小。
- He could tell the points of the compass by the stars. 他可以利用星星判断方向。
- It is true, from the snowing chinks, you can't tell the bounday between the sky and the forest.There is nothing wrong to take the light as the stars. 真的,雪花隙里,看不出来天空和森林的界限,将繁灯当作繁星,简直是抵得过。
- We will talk more about the celestial sphere and how to tell the positions of the stars in the sky. We will also introduce the constellations and the star atlas. 在这一章,我们会探讨天球及天球座标的种种,然后再介绍星座及星图。
- The stars came out as soon as darkness fell. 天一黑,星星就出来了。
- The stars came out as soon as it was dark. 天一黑,星星就出来了。
- Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds. 让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。
- The stars in the night sky are innumerous. 夜空中的星星数不清。
- The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone. 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出来。
- The star of the film is a previously unknown actor. 这部电影里的明星以前是个默默无闻的演员。
- I adjure you to tell the truth before this court. 我要求你对本庭说实话。
- The stars in the night sky are innumerable. 夜空中的星星数不清。
- He wanted to tell the news to the world. 他要把这件事告诉每一个人。
- The star is reportedly very ill. 据说该明星病重。
- Tell the noisy boys to stay away. 叫那些吵闹的男孩子们走开。
- The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him. 星体永恒的运行使他著迷。
- They pledged never to tell the secret. 他们发誓决不泄密。
- The night was clear and the stars were out. 夜空晴朗,星星都出来了。
- The stars are radiators of vast power. 恒星是巨大能量的辐射体。