- They are closely charting the progress of the telecommunications satellite. 他们正在密切跟踪通讯卫星的运行。
- Hired to track down Knox,Charlie's Angels set their sights on his rival,Roger Corwin,who owns Red Star Systems,the world's largest telecommunications satellite network. 受雇查寻诺克斯的下落,查理的天使们将目光瞄准了他的竞争对手罗杰·科温,他拥有世界上最大的卫星电信网络--红星系统。
- The network of satellites used for communications is called Intelsat(International Telecommunications Satellite Organization). 网络的卫星用于通信被称为通信卫星组织(国际通信卫星组织) 。
- COMSTAT Global Telecommunications Satellite 全球电信卫星
- experimental telecommunications satellite 实验电信卫星
- International telecommunications satellite 国际通信卫星组织
- European Telecommunications Satellite Organization 欧洲通信卫星组织
- Telecommunications Satellite Corporation 远距通讯卫星公司
- It's a member of the International Telecommunication Satellite Consortium (INTELSAT), transmitting commercial traffic between six continents. 它是国际通信卫星组织的成员,在六大洲有商业通信往来。
- Telecommunication Satellite Consortium( INTELSAT), transmitting commercial traffic between six continents. 它是国际通信卫星组织的成员,在六大洲有商业通信往来。
- His work was also prophetic: his detailed forecast of telecommunications satellites in 1945 came more than a decade before the first orbital rocket flight. 6个读者 [IMG] 原作者: Gerald Jonas
- A heavy-lift Ariane 5 rocket blasted off from French Guiana late Friday, putting two American telecommunications satellites into orbit, space officials said. 一重型阿丽亚娜5型火箭从法属圭亚那升空周五晚,把两个美国通信卫星送入预定轨道,太空官员说。
- INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Organization 国际通信卫星组织
- ITSO International Telecommunications Satellite Organization 国际电信卫星组织
- International Telecommunications Satellite Organization INTELSAT 国际通讯卫星知识
- Significant achievements have also been gained in the development and application of remote-sensing satellites and telecommunications satellites,and in manned spacecraft testing and space micro-gravity experiments,and so on. 在遥感卫星研制及其应用、通信卫星研制及其应用、载人飞船试验以及空间微重力实验等方面均取得重大成果。
- Significant achievements have also been gained in the development and application of remote-sensing satellites and telecommunications satellites, and in manned spacecraft testing and space micro-gravity experiments, and so on. 在遥感卫星研制及其应用、通信卫星研制及其应用、载人飞船试验以及空间微重力实验等方面均取得重大成果。
- International Telecommunications Satellite Organization 国际通讯卫星知识
- The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite. 太空梭将把一个气象卫星送入运行轨道。
- The news was beamed to East Africa by satellite. 这条新闻由卫星向东非传送。