- tectum capituli 颚体盖
- The perforation in tectum is clear. 覆盖层不连续,有小穿孔。
- The exine is composed of tectum, columellae, foot layer and endexine. 花粉外壁由顶盖层、柱状层、底层及外壁内层所组成。
- Neighboring artificial ganglion cells now connected to neurons in the silicon tectum that were twice as close as the initial connections. 相邻的人工节细胞连结到的矽顶盖神经元的位置,比起刚开始时缩短了一半的距离。
- POPULUS: Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea. 信众:主,我当不起你到我心里来,只要你说一句话,我的灵魂就会痊愈。
- Narrowing the target down to the right house in the tectum requires a second step, but scientists do not understand this process in detail. 要确定是顶盖城市里的哪栋房子,还需要第二个步骤,但科学家还不知道详细过程。
- So the thesis investigates the tectum of Gekko gecko and Eumeces chinensis (Gray), and the fiber. 它们的行为均高度依赖视觉,其视觉系统包括离顶盖通路、离丘脑通路和副视系统。
- The midbrain responsive loci were mainly distributed in an area including central gray and adjacent tegmentum,but seldom in the tectum. 中脑反应点主要分布于中央灰质及其邻近的腹侧被盖,而很少在顶盖出现。
- The exine of pollen wall is of different electron density, the nexine dense and the sexine, comprising tectum, bacules, and foot layer, relatively thin. 花粉壁的外壁分为外层和内层,外层包括覆盖层、基粒棒和基足层等三层,内层只包含一层。
- The outer pollen wall ultrastructure of 4 excellent germplasms and their cutting offsprings showed that the tectum,columellac,foot layer and endexine had no notable variation. 花粉外壁超微结构所显示的覆盖层、柱状层、基层和外壁内层的形状或厚度,4份优质资源与其扦插后代均无明显变化。
- EPSPs with short latencies were concluded to be monosynaptic.Most IPSPs were generated through polysynaptic paths, but monosynaptic IPSPs were also recorded in the tectum. 短潜时的EPSP可能是通过单突触进行传导的,而大多数的IPSP是通过多突触方式进行神经信息传递的。
- In the present study, we used in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp technique to record and analyze oscillatory activity of neurons in the optic tectum of Xenopus. 本文旨在应用离体全细胞膜片钳技术,记录和分析爪蟾视顶盖神经元阈下振荡活动。
- Abstract:The author of this article attempts to observe the racial characters of the Maba Man through the research on some characters of the cranial tectum of the Maba Man skull. 自马坝人头骨化石发现三十年来,随着资料的积累和研究水平的提高,我国境内化石人类以至新石器时代和青铜时代人类遗骸的研究,不仅着眼于进化水平的阐述,而且进行种族类型的探讨,已经有了相当多的论著。
- ligament capituli costae interarticulare 肋头关节间韧带
- ligament capituli costae radiatum 肋头辐状韧带
- The results obtained are as follows: 1.The effereit fibers of the frog tectum descend via the medulla oblongata to both sides and ventral lateral region of the white matter .of the spinal cord. 观察到下列结果: 1.;青蛙视顶盖传出纤维下行,通过延髓达到脊髓白质的两侧及腹部,同时也达到前角的运动细胞。
- ligamenta capituli costae interarticulare [医] 肋小头关节间韧带
- Because of noise and variability, however, the wiring was not perfect: terminals of neighboring cells in the silicon retina did not end up next to one another in the silicon tectum . 然而,由于杂讯与变异性的关系,这个连线并不完美,因为矽视网膜毗邻细胞的末梢,并不会紧邻出现在矽顶盖。
- ligamenta capituli costae radiatum [医] 肋小头辐射韧带
- ligamenta capituli mallei superius [医] 锤骨头上韧带