- The deep-water sediments seem to be the response to active tectonics, and hence are of indicating significance to trace tectonic activity in Three-River area. 研究表明这些深水沈积应是活跃的构造作用的响应,对认识三江地区的构造活动具有指示意义。
- The Amazonian landscape altered significantly soon thereafter when a violent episode of tectonic activity began pushing up the northeastern Andes. 之后,剧烈的地壳构造活动,推挤出安地斯山的东北边,于是亚马逊河流域的地貌开始大幅改变。
- The two worlds, Nocturne and its oversized moon Prometheus, circle each other in an erratic orbit, causing massive tectonic activity across the thin crust of Nocturne. 那克土恩和它那大于一般的卫星普罗米修斯相互的以飘忽不定的方式旋绕,这也造成了星球上极其不正常的岩层活动和火山运动。
- In the tectonic activity stage, the evolution of clay mineral was influenced by hydrocarbon emplacement and deep fluid. 有机质成熟期主要受成岩作用影响,在酸性成岩环境下高岭石大量产生;
- Where tectonic activity is weak, gold minerals are round in shape,are dorninated by submicroscopic inclusiongold. 氧化矿石以游离金大量出现为特征。
- The northerly site was chosen for its lack of tectonic activity and its permafrost. 挪威之所以会选择在这里建设种子库,是因为这一地区地质活动较少,而且处于永冻土地带。
- Because the moon has experienced impact, volcanism and tectonic activity, it can serve as a touchstone for understanding those processes. 由于月亮经历撞击、山活动和板块运动,它可以做为了解这些作用的开门砖。
- So It is very important to the research of tectonic activity that building temperature model of local area and retrieving LST. 因此建立局地的温度场模型,反演陆地表面的真实温度,对于该地区活动构造的研究起着非常重要的基础作用。
- In area where there was intensive tectonic activity, gold minerals have complicated shapes, are dominated by microscop-ic solitary gold. 金主要赋存在含砷的铁硫化物相中。
- They can be linked to explosive volcanic eruptions or can be triggered by tectonic activity, with the latter being the cause of most earthquakes. 他们都跟火山爆发有关或由建筑活动引起的。后者是大多数地震的原因。
- The deformation field in the graben system indicates that the tectonic activity in this area have chracteristics either newborn or inherent. 地堑系内这种垂直形变场的态势,说明本区构造的垂直差异活动既有继承性、又有新生性的特点。
- Because of the collision of the terranes, the episodic tectonic activity occurred in the orogenic belt, resulting in the episodic subsidence of the basin. 受地体碰撞的影响,盆地西缘造山带发生幕式构造运动,从而导致盆地沉降也发生幕式变化。
- The conclusions show that the Permian deposition is in possession of characteristic of wide-folding and reverse faults after undergoing multiphase tectonic activity. 在遭受多期构造叠加改造后,残余的二叠纪构造层在盆地中表现为西南部残余厚度大,东北部残余厚度小的现今构造格局。
- It is the major reasons of desertisation that global temperature is going dawn and tectonic activity gets weaker.Human actions make the desertisation speedily. 气候变冷和构造活动变弱是沙漠化的主要原因,人类活动则加速了沙漠化的进程。
- The tectonic system is become ore-control leading factor, this is manifold type and shape, varied nature, pulsution of many time of the tectonic activity. 控矿构造具有二次韧性剪切变形、二次构造角砾岩化及二次脉体矿化的特徵,显示出式样多种、性质多样、形式多变、活动期次与阶段多次叠加的特点;
- Hycinth bean shaped tectonic mudstone conglomerate has been formed on the certain positions of the roof and the footwall in the quartz vein because of the late tectonic activity. 石英脉经过后期构造活动,顶底板一定位置形成扁豆体状构造泥砾岩,长期的氧化淋滤,石英脉中的金发生迁移,在构造泥砾岩中发生次生富集,形成金的富矿体。
- What does the theory of plate tectonics maintain? 这板块构造学说的理论讲些什么?
- The office has been humming with activity. 办公室一直忙着搞活动。
- Plate tectonics is now almost universally accepted. 如今板块构造几乎被普遍接受。
- Special Topic on plate tectonics ? 板块构造专题