- tectonic active area 构造活动区域
- Control onto the active area of the wizard, next to the text you just typed. 控件拖到向导活动区域中刚键入的文本旁边。
- Iceland lies on the convergence of two tectonic plates and is one of the most volcanically active areas in the world. 冰岛位于两大地壳板块的交界处,是世界上火山活动最活跃的地区之一。
- Control onto the active area of the wizard, next to your e-mail label. 控件拖到向导活动区域中电子邮件标签旁边。
- So It is very important to the research of tectonic activity that building temperature model of local area and retrieving LST. 因此建立局地的温度场模型,反演陆地表面的真实温度,对于该地区活动构造的研究起着非常重要的基础作用。
- In area where there was intensive tectonic activity, gold minerals have complicated shapes, are dominated by microscop-ic solitary gold. 金主要赋存在含砷的铁硫化物相中。
- The deformation field in the graben system indicates that the tectonic activity in this area have chracteristics either newborn or inherent. 地堑系内这种垂直形变场的态势,说明本区构造的垂直差异活动既有继承性、又有新生性的特点。
- The results indicate that the geothermal evolution characters are corresponding to the migrating features from northeast to southwest of the tectonic active center. 结果表明,不同时期的热演化反映区域构造活动具有从东北向西南迁移的规律。
- B. Acceptable: check the defect under 30X microscope, the defect locates at the non active area. 接受:在30倍显微镜下检查,缺陷位于非感应区。
- Upon this correspondence the time and the active area of the strongest earthquake in the 8th episode is predicted. 并由此出发对华北地震区第八幕最大地震的发生时间及地震活动区域作了推测。
- The clustering analysis derived from statistic has become an active area in the research on data mining. 发展自统计学的聚类分析已成为数据挖掘中的一个十分活跃的研究领域。
- Tectonic activities are intensive in the area, and the structural framework of the region is controlled by Altun fracture belts、central-Kulun Mountains fracture belts、Muzitage-Jinyuhu fracture belts. 区内构造活动强烈,以断裂构造为主,阿尔金断裂、昆中断裂、木孜塔格-鲸鱼湖断裂控制了该区的构造格局。
- MCPs are versatile detectors of ions, electrons and photons, providing a large active area of high gain and uniformity. MCP是多种带能粒子和光子的探测器,它可以提供一个增益高和均匀性好的大的工作面。
- The number of pixels in a given active area arranged horizontally by vertically that make up an image. 在规定的有效面积的象素的数量安排水准以垂直,那补足一幅图像。
- The Amazonian landscape altered significantly soon thereafter when a violent episode of tectonic activity began pushing up the northeastern Andes. 之后,剧烈的地壳构造活动,推挤出安地斯山的东北边,于是亚马逊河流域的地貌开始大幅改变。
- Ningxia is in the greatly active area of Neotectonics, and the degree of soil erosion in this area is very high. 宁夏是水土流失严重的地区,也是新构造运动十分活跃的地区。
- The two worlds, Nocturne and its oversized moon Prometheus, circle each other in an erratic orbit, causing massive tectonic activity across the thin crust of Nocturne. 那克土恩和它那大于一般的卫星普罗米修斯相互的以飘忽不定的方式旋绕,这也造成了星球上极其不正常的岩层活动和火山运动。
- Original dynamical power was resulted from plate tectonic activities, especially from intracontinental orogenesis. 板块构造活动,特别是陆内造山作用是热液金成矿作用的原动力。
- Research on colloidal drug carriers is the most active area in nano-technology concerned with pharmic research. 胶体药物载体的纳米技术是在药学研究中最活跃的领域。
- Tectonic activities and volcanism in the basin have an influence on hydrocarbon generation of kerogen and its change. 盆地构造活动和火山作用可以促进干酪根的成烃转化。