- CAI technology of multi - media is developed by means of our analysis on the scope of concepts on CAI and CBE and the main researching focus and developing direction of CAI. 讨论多媒体CAI的概念范畴与CBE的概念新范畴,掌握主要研究的重点和CAI的发展方向,才能使多媒体CAI技术发展。
- The science and technology of space flight. 航天学,宇宙航行学研究宇宙飞行的科学及技术
- Application Research of Embedded Technology of Intelligent Agent. 嵌入式智能代理技术的应用研究。
- On Application of Routing Technology of Multi Exits in Campus Network 多出口校园网路由技术的实现
- coordination of multi agent 多智能体协作
- Veneer dyeing technology of the hardwood species. 几种阔叶树木材单板的染色工艺研究。
- High yield cultivation technology of Pyrus L. 梨树丰产栽培技术。
- It's a technology of great importance worldwide. 它是世界范围内一项具有重大意义的技术。
- Planting technology of Actinidia spp. 猕猴桃种植技术。
- Exploration on Technology of Cattle Hide. 黄牛蓝湿皮的工艺探讨。
- In recent years, Agent and Multi Agent system have been one important part of computer science and distributed artificial intelligence (DAI). 近年来 ;Agent和多Agent系统成为计算机科学和分布式人工智能研究的一个重要方向 .
- Personalization Information Technology of Multi Roles Cooperative Reinforcement Learning 多角色协同式强化学习的个性化信息技术
- Using the technology of ASP/ADO. 在B/S结构模式下;利用ASP/ADO.
- Completion technology of Lin4 ping2 well. 林4平2井完井工艺
- The theory of Multi - Agent, which has been quickly developed in recent years, is one of the most im-portant part of the DAI. Multi-Agent理论是分布式人工智能理论的一个重要组成部分,近年来得到迅速的发展。
- Technology of bit automatic feed for disc brake. 盘式刹车自动送钻技术
- The science and technology of electronic phenomena. 电子学研究电子现象的科学和技术
- DFA is the key technology of CE. 面向装配的设计(DFA-Design For Assembly)是并行工程(CE-Concurrent Engineering)的关键技术之一。
- CAD/CAPP/CAM Technology of the Metal Plate. 钣金加工CAD/CAPP/CAM技术
- This paper presents a method based on the BDI model to implement an informatiion Agent for distribute d multi Agent environments. It also p roposes the model and learning algorithm of the PERFORM(PERsonal inFORmation Man ager)system. 本文提出一种用于分布式多 Agent环境的以 BDI模型为基础构建信息 Agent的方法 ,给出了 PERFORM(PERsonal in FORmation Manager)系统的模型和学习算法