- Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police? 你们把丢失新产品技术文件的事向警方报告了吗?
- The number of technical papers accelerated. 技术论文的数量增加了。
- The number of technical papers accelerated . 技术论文的数量增加了。
- This technical paper shows you how to tie all three together. 这篇技术文章向您展示了如何将这三者联系起来。
- Environmental Assessment Sourcebook, Technical Paper No. 139 (华盛顿特区,1991 年)。
- Eventually she worked her way through the huge amount of technical papers. 最终她读完了大量的技术文件。
- Dr.Sze has authored or coauthored over two hundred technical papers. 除了继续从事半导体元件及制程之研发及教学工作。
- Offers technical papers and articles on XML basics and the latest in XML developments. 提供了有关XML基础知识及其最新发展情况的技术论文和文章。
- He is an IBM master inventor and has published numerous technical papers and books. 他是IBM的一位发明家,已经发表了很多技术论文和书籍。
- Technical Papers cover specific, in-depth technical issues and are designed primarily for the experienced professional. 技术性文件涵盖特定且深入的技术问题,主要使用对象为有经验的专业人士。
- He regularly speaks at technical conferences and publishes technical papers and sample programs. 他经常在技术会议上演讲,发表过一些技术论文和示例程序。
- Documents/archives electrical data, technical papers and related documentations. 整理电气文档资料,编写技术文件及其相关文件;
- Our Technical Services Department can also make recommendations on technical papers that can help you solve product or process related issues. 我们的技术服务部还可以对有助于您解决产品和工艺相关问题的有关技术论文提出建议。
- This section includes technical papers written by ISQ technical staff and researchers, or publications with ISQ collaboration. 这个部分包括ISQ技术工作人员和研究人员所写的科技技术论文,以及在与ISQ合作参与下的出版物。
- Flow of Hot Gases in Roof Venting, Fire Research Technical Paper, No.7, HMSO, 1963. 横井镇男:热源上升气流(流速及温度铅直分布式),日本火灾
- Zachary Lu: Received PhD degree in 2001 from Sichuan University has authored over 40 technical papers in refereed journals and conferences. 卢勇,毕业于四川大学物理系,2001获得四川大学博士学位,在国际/国内会议和期刊上发表40多篇学术论文。
- Webster, F. V., Traffic Signal Settings, Road Research Laboratory Technical Paper 39,Her Majesty's Stationary, 1958. 胡顺章,高速公路双车道路段变换车道行为之研究,淡江大学土木工程研究所硕士论文,民国八十三年六月。
- E: The goal of the Yahoo-led Open Content Alliance (OCA) is to digitize hundreds of thousands of books and technical papers and put them online for anyone to access. 由雅虎所带领开放式内容联盟的目标将要数位化上千百本书和学术论文,而且要放这些东西在线上给任何人做什麽呢?
- Snyder, H.E. and Reitz, R.D. 1996, “Gas Efficient Liquid Atomization Using Micro-Machined Spray Nozzles,” SAE Technical Paper, No.960859. 陈建安;1998;二相紊流于背向阶梯后之混合机制;国立清华大学动力机械工程学系博士论文.
- A.Konno, Y.Yamamoto and T.Inuzuka, “RGB Color Control System for LED Backlight in IPS-LCD TVs,” Society for Information Display technical papers, Digest 06, 2005, pp. 1380-1383. 郑裕国、谢汉萍,“一种应用于色序型液晶显示器之色域及色温调变装置及调变方法”,中华民国,专利号码:200627333,2005。