- This is a review with 40 references on the production,technology and development trends of ethylene-propylene rubber(EPR) abroad. The technical economic evaluation on four production methods of EPR was carried out. 对国外乙丙橡胶(EPR)生产概况、技术特点及发展态势作了简述,并对EPR的溶液法、悬浮法、简化悬浮法和气相法等4种生产方法作了技术经济评估。
- technical economic evaluation of ship 船舶技术经济论证
- technical economic evaluation 技术经济评价
- Application of Technical Economical Evaluation in Top-drive Service Project in Sudan 技术经济评价在苏丹顶驱服务项目的应用
- These are the bases for almost all economic evaluation. 这些是几乎所有的经济评估的基础。
- technical economical evaluation 技术经济评价
- Effectiveness of Storage Tank Water Treatment by Tubular Water Purifier and Technical Economic Analysis. 管道式净水器处理雨水柜水质效果观察及技术经济分析。
- In the multinomial voting model, the economic evaluation that affects the voting choices is not the main factor. 然而在投票模型中,个人与国家的经济评估并不是主要影响投票抉择的因素。
- The technical economic analysis of using anticorrosion rotary di gester for ammonia sulfite pulping is conducted. 应用技术经济方法对亚铵法防腐蒸球进行技术经济分析。
- Risk Analysis and Economic Evaluation of Oil and Gas Exploration Project with Real Option Method II. 油气勘探风险分析与实物期权法经济评价2。
- Jing Keyao, Min Rui, Chen Xia. A discussion on economic evaluation methods of polymer flooding projects. 聚合物驱项目经济评价方法探讨
- The polyester techniques of Zimtrier.Inventa,Kanebo and Du Pout companies regarding to Scheme,technology,equipment and technical economic indexs. are discribed. 从工艺流程、工艺、设备及技术经济指标等方面论述吉玛、伊文达、钟纺与杜邦公司的聚酯技术。
- Before proven reserves are putted into production, reserve's economic evaluation must be done first. 对探明油气储量在投入开发前,首先要进行储量经济评价。
- Why Has the Use of Health Economic Evaluation in Japan Lagged Behind that in Other Developed Countries? 为何日本健康经济学评价落后于其他发达国家?
- The economic evaluation showed that the et hylene cost can be reduced by 25%than that of gas oil pipe still pyrolysis proc ess. 经济评价结果表明,该工艺与石脑油管式炉裂解工艺相比,可使乙烯成本降低约25%25。
- New process for producing high purity mesitylene by primary alkylate separation is researhed and developed and the tech economic evaluation is made. 研究开发一次烷基化分离法生产高纯度均三甲苯新工艺,并对其进行了技术经济分析评价。
- It is pointed that the analysis technical economical risk should be made for the realization of MTO techniqu... 指出MTO作为目前最为看好可实现工业化的天然气制烯烃技术,应做好技术经济的风险性分析。
- To reach this target, planning and economic evaluation on reclamation engineering must be carried out to formulate a feasible scheme. 为达到这一目标,必须对围海工程进行规划和经济评价,制定出合理可行的决策方案。
- In this article, technical transformation in Longxin Mining Company adopted CIP process instead of All-sliming cyanidation-Zinc dust replacement method, fracture breccia ores are treated, and good technical economic indexes have been attained. 摘要龙鑫矿业公司通过技术改造,采用炭浆法代替原有全泥氰化-锌粉置换工艺,处理破碎角砾矿石,取得了良好的技术指标和显著经济效益。
- At last, the long time performance of the pavement was studied by developing a rutting prediction model and economic evaluation. 最后,通过建立车辙预估模型和经济性评价,分析了AC+CRCP复合式路面的长久性性能和推广应用价值。