- technical economic decision 技术经济决策
- Many economic decision are dependent on the individual opinion. 许多经济决策取决于个人的看法。
- Microeconomics explains how and why these units make economic decision. 消费者理论是本课程的主要内容。
- Effectiveness of Storage Tank Water Treatment by Tubular Water Purifier and Technical Economic Analysis. 管道式净水器处理雨水柜水质效果观察及技术经济分析。
- The technical economic analysis of using anticorrosion rotary di gester for ammonia sulfite pulping is conducted. 应用技术经济方法对亚铵法防腐蒸球进行技术经济分析。
- Accounting information is the evidence of economic decision between the nation,investors and debtee. 会计信息是国家、投资人、债权人和相关方经济决策的依据;
- Economic decisions are only rarely of an all-or-nothing nature. 经济决策很少属于要么肯定一切,要么否定一切的性质。
- The polyester techniques of Zimtrier.Inventa,Kanebo and Du Pout companies regarding to Scheme,technology,equipment and technical economic indexs. are discribed. 从工艺流程、工艺、设备及技术经济指标等方面论述吉玛、伊文达、钟纺与杜邦公司的聚酯技术。
- To realize sustainable development,the authors suggest strengthening integrated environmental and economic decision making,transforming the way for economic growth,incr... 要改变不合理的发展方式,必须落实可持续发展战略,转变经济增长方式,增加生态环境保护投入,加强资源与环境核算和环境法制工作。
- An ineffective DMU into an effective one by correcting the input-out data for the ineffective DMU is turning.It is very important to the economic decision and the production plan. 给出了一个非有效的决策单元,可适当地校正该单元的决策数据使之变为有效,这对于国民经济决策或计画有著重要的指导作用。
- Laboratory experiments are used to study some types of economic decisions. 实验室实验用来研究某些经济决策。
- This is a review with 40 references on the production,technology and development trends of ethylene-propylene rubber(EPR) abroad. The technical economic evaluation on four production methods of EPR was carried out. 对国外乙丙橡胶(EPR)生产概况、技术特点及发展态势作了简述,并对EPR的溶液法、悬浮法、简化悬浮法和气相法等4种生产方法作了技术经济评估。
- In this article, technical transformation in Longxin Mining Company adopted CIP process instead of All-sliming cyanidation-Zinc dust replacement method, fracture breccia ores are treated, and good technical economic indexes have been attained. 摘要龙鑫矿业公司通过技术改造,采用炭浆法代替原有全泥氰化-锌粉置换工艺,处理破碎角砾矿石,取得了良好的技术指标和显著经济效益。
- The purification requirement and purification method of compressed - air in refinery was mentioned in this article.The comparisons of technical economic between several adsorp-tive.Dryer were made. 该文阐述了炼油厂压缩空气的净化要求及净化方法,着重对几种吸附式干燥器进行了技术经济比较。
- It is pointed that the analysis technical economical risk should be made for the realization of MTO techniqu... 指出MTO作为目前最为看好可实现工业化的天然气制烯烃技术,应做好技术经济的风险性分析。
- This article analyzes the in formation restriction of economic decision, and makes a conclusion that it is necessary to study the theory and methods of economic decision under incomplete information. 本文在分析了经济决策中的信息约束基础上,得出研究不完全信息条件下的经济决策理论与方法已成为必要的结论;
- Through option calculation a simple and practical method is proposed,which is beneficial to technical economical analysis for cogeneration plants. 对此通过实例计算提出一种简便实用的计算方法,该方法有助于热电厂技术经济分析。
- Based on the analysis of technical economics,either the fluidizing drying or microwave fluidizing drying is the ideal selection. 从技术经济综合分析,沸腾干燥和微波加热干燥是理想的选择。
- Those who take economic decisions and benefit from them are typically upwind those who bear the costs are downwind. 作出经济决策并从中受益的人显然是占上风,而占下风的人则要为此付出代价。
- As the world tips into recession, China's economic decisions could affect how other countries fare in the downturn. 在世界步入衰退的时候,中国的经济决定可能影响其他陷入低迷的国家的生活。