- tear their awayvt. 不情愿地离开(恋恋不舍地离开)
- They lost all their away matches. 他们输了所有的客场比赛。
- Some women,when they find themselves abandoned,tear their lovers away from the arms of their rival, kill her, and flee to the ends of the earth,to the scaffold and the tomb. 有些女子发现自己被抛弃后,死命地从情敌的怀抱里抢回爱人,把情敌杀死,然后逃到天涯海角,或是上断头台,或是进坟墓。
- Mother forbade the boys to wrestle for fear they would tear their clothes . 妈妈不准男孩子们摔跤,怕他们撕破衣服。
- Mother forbade the boys to wrestle for fear they would tear their clothes. 妈妈不准男孩子们摔跤,怕他们撕破衣服。
- tore their awayv. 不情愿地离开(恋恋不舍地离开)
- torn their awayv. 不情愿地离开(恋恋不舍地离开)
- It is said that she will tear their bodies to pieces and rip their souls from their mutilated bodies. 据说,她将把人的身体撕成碎片,然后再把他们残破不堪的身体里的灵魂撕碎。
- They need not eat or sleep and do whatever chore they are set to until told otherwise, even if it requires them to tear their own bodies apart in the attempt. 他们不需要吃或者睡而且不论是什么他们都会认真的去干直到得到其他命令,即使命令他们去撕扯他们的肉体也回努力去做。
- The Chelsea keeper believes David Silva's first-half strike that gave Valencia their away goal is one of the best ever to beat him. 这位切尔西门将相信;大卫.;席尔瓦在上半场为瓦伦西亚取得的作客进球是历来能够射破他十指关的入球中的其中一个最佳的。
- Roaring lions tearing their prey open their mouths wide against me. 13他们向我张口,好像抓撕吼叫的狮子。
- Manchester United will seek official guidanceover the situation in Italy ahead of their away Champions League matchagainst Roma. 曼联在欧冠杯赛客场对抗罗马之前;会对意大利的情况寻求官方的指导.
- While Chelsea have sought a relentlessly modern look for their away matches, elsewhere in the Barclays Premier League the mood is swinging towards vintage. 如果说切尔西是希望在他们的客场比赛中追求一种毫不留情的现代感觉,英超其他俱乐部的时尚则是摇摆回过去的辉煌。
- With this point, Lazio slipped one place behind the surprising Empoli side who overtook the Biancocelesti in fourth place thanks to their away win over Palermo. 带走的一分;拉齐奥滑落一位;排在了令人惊讶的恩波利的后面;恩波利是在客场击败了巴勒莫之后占据了第四的位置.
- She's keeping very calm-anyone else would be tearing their hair out. 她依旧泰然自若,要是换个人早急坏了。
- She could not tear herself away from the book. 她对那本书爱不释手。
- I didn't tear out the page. It just came away in my fingers. 我没有撕掉这页,它刚好在我手里脱落了。
- I can't bear young people casting away their youth. 我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春。
- Her officials within her are like wolves tearing their prey; they shed blood and kill people to make unjust gain. 其中的首领彷佛豺狼抓撕掠物,杀人流血,伤害人命,要得不义之财。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。