- tear an argument to shreds 把一个论点驳得体无完肤
- The next speaker ripped his opponent's argument to shreds in a few minutes. 接着上台的发言人不到几分钟就将对手的论点驳斥得体无完肤。
- The next speaker tore his opponent's argument to shreds in a few minutes. 下一个发言人只用了几分钟就将对手的论点驳得体无完肤。
- You can specify a different directory as an argument to apd_set_pprof_trace(). 可以在apd_set_pprof_trace()中以参数指定一个不同目录。
- There is an argument to express them in ground level abundance of the respective elements. 有理由把它们用相应元素的地平丰度来表示。
- The rationality of the thing is not an argument to against its existences, rather a condition of it. 尼采说:一件事情的不合理,不是驳斥他的存在,还不如以一种特定况来证明。
- tear up an agreement; tear an agreement to shreds 撕毁协定
- Your normal habit when passing an argument to a function should be to pass by const reference. 当给函数传递参数时,你要养成的良好习惯是传递常量引用。
- This example defines a named template for a "numbered-block" with an argument to control the format of the number. 该示例使用参数定义“编号块”的命名模板来控制编号的格式。
- Pieces of evidence supplied as an argument to the Load method supersede pieces of evidence supplied by the loader. 方法的参数提供的各项证据将替代由加载程序提供的各项证据。
- When a reference type is passed as an argument to a method, the reference is passed by value. 当引用类型作为参数传递给方法时,引用是按值传递的。
- They have torn her reputation to shreds. 他们把她的声誉全毁了。
- The machine tore her dress to shreds. 机器把她的衣服撕成碎片。
- Statement without an argument to initialize the random-number generator with a seed based on the system timer. 语句初始化随机数生成器,该生成器具有一个基于系统计时器的种子。
- The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire. 那件夹克让铁丝网给戳破了。
- GS: Is there an argument to be made for revisiting an idea that people still enjoy? 但是不是有这样一个论点,即人们始终在光顾这些游戏吗?
- In this section, we look at how class-type conversions are used to match an argument to its corresponding parameter. 在这一节,我们介绍怎样用类类型转换将实参和对应形参相匹配。
- tear up an agreement (a treaty); tear an agreement (a treaty) to shreds 撕毁协定(条约)
- The number indicating an argument to format is less than zero, or greater than or equal to the length of the args array. 用于指示要格式化的参数的数字小于零,或者大于或等于args数组的长度。
- You can also pass an object as an argument by reference and then, inside the procedure, set the argument to a new object. 也可以通过引用将对象作为参数传递,然后在过程内部将该参数设置为新的对象。