- He never reduced his teachings to written form. 他从来没有把他的学说写下来。
- The book is used to teach us how to write. 这本书教我们如何写作。
- He is squaring away to write a new chapter. 他正准备动手写新的一章。
- I have no time at all to write to you. 我根本没时间给你写信。
- I want to write down what you just said. 我想把你方才所说的写下来。
- The play was nothing (much) to write home about. 这出戏很一般。
- I never fail to write to my parents every month. 我每个月一定写信给我的父母亲。
- He never fails to write to his mother every week. 他从来没有忘记每周给母亲写信。
- Occasionally a teacher will come across a child who displays ambidextrous abilities when taught to write. 偶尔的时候,老师会碰到有的孩子在被教写字时他/她的左右手都能写得一样好。
- From now on, I will begin to write my book. 从现在起,我将开始写我的书了。
- He used to write a column for this newspaper. 他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。
- Is it possible to build a machine that could be taught to write poetry, that could be flattered, that could empathize with others? 有没有可能去造一个能教会写诗,能够受宠若惊,还能和别人有共感的机器呢?
- Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow. 请提醒我明天给我母亲写信。
- Can I remind you to write a report? 我可以提醒你写一份报告吗?
- Children should be taught to share their toys. 应该教育孩子们分享玩具。
- We had to write three essays in the history exam. 我们考历史要写三篇短文。
- To teach to obey rules or accept authority. 使遵守准则,使服从权威
- I hope to write to you before long. 我希望不久就能给你写信。
- This is nothing to write home about. 这并非什么了不起的事。
- He tried to write in a biblical style. 他试著以《圣经》体写作。