- tax payment date 纳税日期
- Verification of tax payment method. 纳税申报审核评税办法。
- The management of tax payment II. 纳税管理2。
- The company gained remission from tax payments. 这家公司获准免税。
- X: Please show me your tax payment receipt and tax return forms. 谢:请出示您的完税凭证和税单。
- For example, taxes should be discounted from their actual payment date, not from the time when the tax liability is recorded in the firm's books. 例如,税收应该从它们的实际支付日被贴现,不是从税收负债被记入公司账簿的时候。
- On the payment date, the following entry would be made in the cash disbursements journal. 支付日则应在现金付出日记帐中作出如下分录。
- The system of the declaration of individual incomes for tax payment. 个人收入应税申报制度。
- The daily penalty for the overdue tax payment that we impose is equal to 0.05%. 按日加收万分之五的滞纳金。
- Payment Date The date on which a declared stock dividend is scheduled to be paid. 付款日期预定支付已公布股息的日期。
- VAT indicated on the tax payment receipts obtained from the customs office. 从海关取得的完税凭证上注明的增值税额。
- This right can be exercised by the Bank on any interest payment date, with 3 business days of notification. 美国运通银行可于任何派息日,给予3个工作天的通知期,以行使权利赎回存款。
- B: Do differences exist in tax payment in different regions in China? 各个地区的资源缴纳的税收相同吗?
- Unfortunately, you must pay the penalty fee for the overdue tax payment. 对不起,这笔税款已滞纳,要加收滞纳金。
- In cases of non-payment, UPS reserves the right to charge an administrative fee on any amount outstanding as of the payment date. 如客户逾期缴款,UPS保留向客户收取迟交款项行政费之权利。
- Unfortunately,you have to pay a penalty fee for ghr overdue tax payment. 谢:对不起;这笔税款要加收滞纳金.
- The salary payment date for January 2006 will be advanced to 24th January 2006 (Tuesday). Enquiries can be directed to the Payroll and Superannuation Unit at 2609 7240/7246. 二零零六年一月份之薪金,将提前于一月二十四日(星期二)发放。查询可致电薪津及公积金组(二六零九七二四零/七二四六)。
- The Borrower may prepay the Loans in whole or in part in an integral multiple of USD 5,000,000 on any interest payment Date if, not later than 5:00 p. m. 借款人可以在任何付息日以500万美元的完整倍数部分或全部提前付货款。如果不迟于借款人愿意提前还款之日前第15个银行工作日纽约时间下午5时,借款人应向代理行发出相关上述日期和提前还款数额的不可撤销的通知。
- Taxpayer: What about the arguments concerning the tax payments? 纳税人:那对纳税争议是怎么规定的?
- Lawyer: No. The surcharge is not attributive to the deeds of the punishment. It happens in the process of tax payment. 律师:滞纳金不是处罚行为,而是征税行为。