- tax burden effect 税负效应
- People on high incomes face a huge tax burden. 高收入的人面临着沉重的纳税负担。
- I think it is important to tell you our principle of "lighter tax burden, greater preference". 我们的原则是“关税从轻、优惠从宽”。我觉得告诉您这一点是很重要的。
- The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses. 这些措施将减轻小型企业的纳税负担。
- The citizens complained to heaven about the tax burden. 市民们对沉重的捐税怨声载道。
- Ironically, the tax burden of the extreme-ly wealthy is seldom heavy. 具有讽刺意味的是,极为富裕的人纳税负担绝大多数都不重。
- His timid attempts to cut Hungary's stifling tax burden have had little impact. 他曾小心地试图减轻匈牙利巨大的税收负担,但是收效甚微。
- I think it is important to tell you our principle of " lighter tax burden, greater preference ". 我们的原则是“关税从轻、优惠从宽”。我觉得告诉您这一点是很重要的。
- Some communities have developed innovative ways to reduce the tax burden on taxable incubator facilities. 很多社区都在创新的想点子减低孵化器的税务负担。
- Uninterrupted economic growth has made the average Briton substantially better off, even if the tax burden has risen. 尽管税收负担增加了,但经济持续增长,为每个英国人带来更好的福祉。
- I think it is important to tell you our principle of " lighter tax burden,greater preference ". 我们的原则是“关税从轻、优惠从宽”。我觉得告诉您这一点是很重要的。
- But when combined with VAT and a 25% consumption tax, the total tax burden still puts officially imported products at a serious disadvantage. 但在加上增值税和25%25的消费税后,总的税务负担仍然使官方批准的进口产品处于严重劣势。
- I think it be important to tell you our principle of " lighter tax burden, greater preference " . 我们的原则是“关税从轻、优惠从宽”。我觉得告诉您这一点是很重要的。
- I think it is important to tell you our principle of " lighter tax burden, greater preference " . 我们的原则是“关税从轻、优惠从宽”。 我觉得告诉您这一点是很重要的。
- They do not just sit there and voluntarily pay more taxes. They search for ways to minimize their tax burden. 他们决不会坐视不管,付出高税,他们会想办法把税赋降至最低。
- Vertical equity Distributing the tax burden among the nonpoor in line with their ability to pay. 纵向公平指在非穷人之间按付税能力分配税负。
- It was probably no coincidence that railroads at that time paid only one third of their just share of the tax burden. 当时铁路公司只缴纳应纳税的三分之一,这大概不是偶然的。
- Because of coal industry particularity,after improving taxation,value added tax has added to enterprise tax burden. 由于煤炭行业的特殊性,税改后现行增值税加重了煤炭企业税负。
- So, the tax burden of mining enterprises is weightier than that of other enterprises in China. 我国矿业企业税负比其它行业企业税。
- The tax burden will impact our EBITDA significantly, and will influence strategic decision on M&A project. 税收的负担将会严重影响我们的EBITDA,也会对我们的M&A的战略性决定带来影响。