- tax affairs risk 税务风险
- Tax affairs certificate of registry. 税务登记证
- Annual inspection of Tax affairs certificate of registry. 税务登记证年检
- This is the notification of administrative measures and penalties taken on your company's tax affairs. 这是对你公司的税务处理决定书和税务行政处罚决定书。
- When senior Tories are asked about his tax affairs their squirming circumlocutions are painful to hear. 当保守党高层被问及勋爵纳税的情况时,他们羞怯而冗长的废话让人惨不忍闻。
- Be responsible for the tax affairs including the national & local tax, export drawback etc. 负责国税、地税及出口退税等税务事宜;
- It can save the resources for labor power, data processing, to simplify tax administration and enhance tax affairs with Internet filing. 网路申报可节省稽征机关登录的人力,缩短资料处理时间,简化税务行政,增进政府行政效能。
- To enhance HK’s competitiveness and given the international trend to shorten the time period for finalisation of tax affairs, HK needs to do the same. 要提升香港的竞争力,香港须跟随国际趋势,缩短确定税务状况的期限。
- Perhaps enterprise's illegal indiscipline by no means intentionally, but the enterprise must to report voluntarily the tax affairs institution each data is responsible. 也许企业的违法违纪行为并非故意,但企业需对自行申报税务机关的每个数据负责。
- A spokesman for Mr Ahern said he had no comment to make other than to say that every citizen has a right to confidentiality in relation to their tax affairs. 埃亨先生的发言人说,他对此不进行评论,除了说每个公民都有权对他们的纳税事宜保密。
- He grabbed public attention with an investigation into the tax affairs of one of the country's best-known sporting figures, Valentino Rossi, a motorcyclist. 最重要的是,他推动实施了允许金融警察和民事稽查员交叉审阅资料的法律。
- This article unifies the Production enterprise to purchase link's case, how discusses shallowly using the tax affairs knowledge, for enterprise tax saving. 本文结合生产性企业采购环节的案例,浅谈如何利用税务知识,为企业节税。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- A foreign-capital enterprise shall set up account books at the place where the said enterprise is located, and shall receive supervision of the competent departments for financial and tax affairs. 第六十六条外资企业应当在企业所在地设置会计帐簿,并接受财政、税务机关的监督。
- Shanghai “14” mentioned that will adjust this city ordinary housing standard, the concrete provision by departments and so on house, gauge earth, finance, tax affairs announces separate. 上海“14条”中提到,将调整本市普通住房标准,具体规定由房屋、规土、财政、税务等部门另行公布。
- Don't meddle in other people's affairs. 不要干涉别人的事情。
- She broadcasts on current affairs. 她发表时事广播演说。
- Make one's debut in handling tax affairs 初次办理涉税事项
- I've always tried not to interfere in your affairs. 我总是尽量不干涉你的事情。
- He delivered a course of lectures on world affairs. 他作了一系列有关世局的演讲。