- GLS Guidance Language Service is looking for someone to recruit new students for its group English classes taught by foreign teachers. 佳登斯语言服务机构希望您能为其外教英语班找到学生,报酬丰厚。
- Were you taught by any foreign teachers? 有外教教过你们吗?
- Survey, Analysis and Conclusion on Oral English Course Taught by Foreign Teachers and Chinese Teachers 英语口语中外教师教学情况的调查、分析与结论
- taught by foreign teachers 外教授课
- The garden is taught by the professional teacher of reputable preschool education, English is taught by the foreign teacher. 我园由资深学前教育专业老师执教,英文为外籍教师执教。
- Foreign teachers in the International Classes should attend the classes that are not only taught by other foreign teachers but also by Chinese English teachers. Teachers could exchange opinions together. 国际部各外教之间、外教与中国老师之间相互听课、相互交流与学习。
- Besides, dance in European and american movies and those taught by foreigners attracted a lot of enlightened Chinese. 此外,欧美电影中的插舞及外国侨民传授的舞蹈,吸引了比较开放的中国人
- The fixed special weekly English activities by foreign teachers supply the students with entirely verisimilar environment for their English study. 每周固定的外教授课特色英语活动,为学生提供全真的英语学习环境。
- Music is going to be taught by Miss Lin. 音乐课将由林小姐来教。
- The regime had been propped up by foreign aid. 该政权是靠外国援助维持著的。
- My foreign teacher came from Australia. 我的外籍教师来自澳大利亚。
- Our foreign teacher speaks English and Hebrew. 我们的外籍教师会说英语和希伯来语。
- They had been taught by a young teacher. 一位年轻的老师曾经教过他们。
- She identified with foreign teachers. 她与外国教师打成一片。
- His English was taught by correspondence. 他的英语是靠函授学习的。
- Foreign teachers teach you pure Oral English. 一,外籍教师教你纯正英语口语。
- The Jewish people are taught by Talmud. 犹太人受犹太教法典的教导。
- P-is taught by Professor Wheeler. 物理学由惠勒教授教。
- How to deal with strikes by foreign experts? 怎样对待外国专家的罢教罢工行为?
- Small classes by foreign teachers plus interactive multimedia study 灵活的学习时间小班授课结合多媒体互动