- taste the nectar of success 尝成功之甜果
- I have never tasted the sweets of success. 我从未尝到过成功的快乐。
- The ever-perfect drink only the Nectar of Divine Bliss. 永远完美的灵魂只想喝神圣福佑的甘露。
- The nectar of the helleborine is fermented-it does contain alcohol! 这种兰花的花蜜发酵过,确实含有酒精。
- Suddenly, a taking to the nectar of bees make me shines. 忽然,一只正采着花蜜的蜜蜂使我眼前一亮。
- Afterwards, I finally tasted the sweet nectar of blissful samadhi. 后来我终于进入了极乐三摩地,品尝到甜美甘露。
- Only earlier than others, more diligent efforts to taste the taste of success. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋的努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。
- Our dear hero, please revive Your maidservants with the nectar of Your lips. 我们亲爱的英雄,请用祢嘴唇的甘露令祢的女仆复活。
- Only those who work earlier and more diligently can taste the flavor of success. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋的努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。
- They are in the exultation of success. 他们正沉醉于成功的欣喜中。
- Before you can taste the flavor of success, you mey first underwent disappointment and failure. 你在尝到成功的滋味之前,也许得忍受失望与失败。
- He gave up on the eve of success. 他在大功告成之前放弃了。
- A sweet yellowish or brownish viscid fluid produced by various bees from the nectar of flowers and used as food. 蜂蜜各种蜜蜂从花蜜酿制而成的甜味黄色或褐色粘性液体,并把它作为食物
- O hero, kindly distribute to us the nectar of Your lips, which enhances conjugal pleasure and vanquishes grief. 噢英雄,请仁慈地给我们分发祢唇上的甘露,这种甘露增加爱人的快乐和克服忧伤。
- My own criterion of success is the ability to work joyfully. 我自己成功的标准是能够快乐地工作。
- The nectar of water lily blossoms protects, soothes and hydrates the skin externally. 睡莲盛开时候分泌的花蜜等水合物具有保护皮肤,舒缓皮肤功效。
- You can taste the curry to see if it's hot enough. 你可以尝尝这道咖喱菜,看看够不够辣。
- I can destroy and solve my agonizing grief only by drinking the nectar of your love. 我能摧毁和解决我的悲伤仅仅通过喝你的爱情的玉浆玉液。
- Prospects of success in the talks were put at zero. 会谈没有成功的希望。
- The prospect of success intoxicates me. 成功的前景令我陶醉。