- Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect. 登录失败: 该目标帐户名称不正确。
- To introduce new products to target accounts, support the launch of new products in the Chinese Personal Care market. To detect new opportunities resulting out of unmet needs. 向目标客户介绍新产品.;支持新产品在中国个人护理市场中的推广
- You should select the option for migrating security identifiers (SIDs) to ensure that ADMT adds the source account's SID to the new target account's SID history (SIDHistory) attribute. 应选择用于迁移安全标识符(SID)的选项,以确保ADMT将源帐户的SID添加到新目标帐户的SID历史记录(SIDHistory)属性中。
- Develop a set of target accounts together with the sales people 和销售共同开发系列目标客户
- The company has targeted a profit for the year. 公司已经规定了今年的利润指标。
- Don't juggle with your accounts. 不要在你的帐目上搞鬼。
- The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标。
- The auditor began the examination of accounts. 稽核员开始审察帐务。
- My wife handles the household accounts. 我的妻子负责管家用帐。
- Let's square accounts with each other. 让我们彼此算清帐目吧。
- Chatlines are targeted at teenagers. 聊天电话线的主要顾客是青少年。
- The company has met their export target. 该公司已经实现了它们的出口目标。
- The auditors approved the company's accounts. 审计员核准了公司的帐目。
- A stationary target is easiest to aim at. 静止的目标是最容易瞄准的。
- His accounts of the event were inconsistent. 他对那件事情的说法前后不一致。
- He shot an arrow, but it fell short of the target. 他射了一箭,但没有射中靶。
- He won't hit the target at that distance. 他打不中那样远的目标的。
- They gave unlike accounts of the incident. 他们对这事情的描述各不相同。
- Shots were fired at the enemy target. 有人向敌军目标开枪。
- From all accounts he is going to resign. 据说,他将辞职。