- Translating is translating the meaning of the source text( ST) into the target text( TT). 翻译就是在目标语文本中再现源语文本的意义。
- In the Branch dialog box, in the Target text box, modify the location and name for the new branch. 在“分支”对话框的“目标”文本框中,修改新分支的位置和名称。
- Translating takes the source text as its starting point and the target text as its destination. 进而通过举例分析、比较原文文本和目标文本的前文本、元文本的不同,提出目标文本只不过是原文文本的一种特殊互文本。
- Nida, Newmark and Vermeer all pay special attention to the intelligibility and readability of the target text. 奈达,纽马克和弗米尔都很注重译文的明白易懂和可读性。
- In the Branch dialog box, in the Target text box, modify the location and name for the new branch by appending the end with Test Branch. 在“分支”对话框中的“目标”文本框中,修改新分支的位置和名称,方法是在末尾追加“测试分支”。
- Select the code page, text layout, file type, and any other relevant parameters that match the target text file to be created. 选择与要创建的目标文本文件相匹配的代码页、文本布局、文件类型及其他任何相关的参数。
- Basically, Reiss and Newmark’s text typologies focus on the function of the source text;while Nord emphasizes more on the function of the target text. 大体上,赖斯和纽马克的文本类型理论虽然是从功能出发,但主要考虑的是原文的功能,而功能主义发展到诺德阶段,则完全变成了以译文功能为中心的翻译理论。
- Due to the widespread use of metaphors in language, inter-cultural translation to some extent can be said to transfer metaphors in the source text to those in the target text. 由于语言中隐喻的普遍使用,从某种程度上来说,跨文化翻译就是将原语中的隐喻转换成目的语中的隐喻的一种活动。
- In this process, the translator, acting the role of a reader of the source text and also a writer of the target text, will unavoidably add something subjective in his translation. 在这个过程中,译者要把自己作为读者对原文的理解在另一种文化中表达出来,就会不可避免的加入了自己的主观性的东西。
- They can use the browser interface to request the target text from Babel MasterDB on the server or return the pair of sentences to MasterDB after finishing the translation of the sentence. 他们可利用浏览器向服务器端的巴比塔主库索要目标翻译文本,也可将(发来的自动翻译)句对进行修订然后送回到巴比塔主库中
- In this thesis,the author exploits the intertextual relationship between a quotation and its host text as a metaphor to map the intertextuality between the source text and the target text. 本文试图用引文与正文间的互文参照关系做隐喻,来映射原文与译文的互文关系,从而进一步说明,原文各语言层面上的表达可视为激活译者的相关译语语篇储备的互文符号。
- In literary translation, in order to reappear source text"s aesthetic property and literalness in target text, it is reasonable for translator to employ re-creation in translation. 而在文学翻译中,由于文学作品本身所蕴含的审美信息和文化特质,译者会发挥其主观能动性进行再创造翻译。
- Such a dialectic logic is demonstrated,fairly carefully and deeply,in the creation of the soure text,the bilingual transferring process,and the purpose and appreciation of the target text. 我们就无法回避;况且历来的译论家也无不重视,希冀于由此达到对翻译本质的“终极完满”解答,我们就更有探论它的必要。
- One standard of translation is the faith between target text and source text; componential analysis can help translators find the exact equivalents of source words in translating process. 翻译的一个标准是达到译文对原文的忠实;成分分析法在翻译过程中能有效地帮助译者精确地理解原文,找到源语词准确的目标语对应词,从而达到译文对原文的忠实。
- Once these approaches and techniques are mastered, the original text will recur accurately in the targeted text. 只有掌握词语的互译方法和技巧才能更准确地再现原文。
- Then the translator acts as a writer of the target text, he /she must have a thorough synthesis of the target text, including pragmatic synthesis, semantic synthesis and syntactic synthesis. 然后,译者又充当译文的作者,他/她必须对译文进行充分地合成,而合成又包括语用合成,语义合成和句法合成。
- Under the guidance of functionalist approaches translators (including interpreters) can choose appropriate translation strategies in accordance with the purpose of the target text. 在功能翻译理论的指导下,译者可以根据译文的目的选择恰当的翻译策略,即目的决定手段。
- Do you mind reading hack the text of my message? 你把我的电文重念一遍,好吗?
- However, due to obvious obscurities and deficiencies in target texts, we are not satisfied with the current C-E translation in IC. 目前,对外传播中的汉译英还不尽如人意,有的甚至存在着严重错误,翻译质量有待改善和进一步提高。
- Read the text first and then explain the new words. 先读课文,然后解释生词。