- target surface property 物体表面的属性
- Object that represents the color to which the render target surface is cleared. 对象,它表示将呈现目标图面清除为的颜色。
- Describes a region that cannot exist within the render target surface. 描述一个不能存在于呈现目标图面中的区域。
- No depth buffer surface is associated with the render target surface. 没有任何深度缓冲区表面与呈现目标表面相关联。
- By analysing of IR spectrum absorption occurs on the surface of the powders and surface property of filler is changed. 红外光谱分析表明偶联剂在粉体表面产生了有效吸附,改变了填料的表面性质。
- Defines the window dimensions of a render target surface onto which a 3-D volume projects. 定义三维体投影到呈现目标图面上时,投影目标窗口的尺寸。
- The structure and surface property of packing have distinct effect on packed bubble extraction columns. 填料的结构与表面性能对鼓泡填料萃取塔性能有直接影响。
- Gets or sets the height dimension of the Viewport on the render target surface, in pixels. 获取或设置呈现目标图面上Viewport的高度尺寸(以像素为单位)。
- The effects of nano-CaCO3’s surface property on the mechanical property of PP composites were also studied. 讨论了纳米CaCO3粉体的表面特性对PP复合材料力学性能的影响。
- Gets or sets the pixel coordinates of the upper-left corner of the viewport on the render target surface. 获取或设置呈现目标图面上视区的左上角的像素坐标。
- Study found that the surface and composites fractured surface property of the composite wollastonite were improved. 研究发现,复合颗粒的表面得到钝化,改善了其和聚丙烯(PP)的结合界面;
- Gets or sets the width dimension of the Viewport on the render target surface, in pixels. 获取或设置呈现目标图面上的Viewport的宽度尺寸(以像素为单位)。
- The pore structure, surface property, swelling capacity and thermal stability of the copolymer beads were determined. 对其孔结构、表面结构、溶胀性能和热稳定性进行了详细研究。
- Color An integer value that represents the color to which the render target surface is cleared. 一个整数值,它表示将呈现目标图面清除为的颜色。
- The attenuated total renection (ATR )method is employed to study surface property of liquid crystal (LC) and to measure the optical property of LC in applied electric field. 本文用衰减全反射方法(ATR)研究液晶在基片表面上的性质,测试在外电场作用下液晶分子重新定向引起光学性质的变化。
- Side-on radiography technology can directly demonstrate the change of perturbation amplitude on target surface. 摘要侧向背光照相能直接反映靶表面扰动幅度的变化情况。
- The distribution of ion implantation dose on the target surface is not uniform, with a peak near the target corner. 注入离子剂量在靶表面的分布不均匀,在边角附近出现峰值;
- The deed expressly reserves the right to remove all of the coal udner the land, and puts the risk of loss of the surface property on the grantee. 契约明确保留了开采所有土地底下煤矿的权利,并把土地表面财产受损风险分给受让人。
- The surface property of the backside of the stamper is important as it affects the quality of the moulded plastic replica. 压模背面的表面特性非常重要,因为它会影响到成型塑料子片的质量。
- The crystal structure, crystal photography and surface property of kaolinite in hard kaolins and soft kaolins have been studied. 研究了硬质和软质高岭土中的高岭石晶体结构、晶体形态与表面性质之间的关系及其对浮选行为的影响。