- To keep abreast of the times, based on the target of cultivation of civil engineering, the characteristic of the course and the feature of the students in this times, the author proposes some suggestions for reference. 本文根据土木工程专业人才的培养目标、混凝土结构设计原理课程的内容特点以及这一时期学生的学习特点 ,为适应大土木与国际化的要求 ,为改善教学效果和实现教学目的 ,对该课程绪论的教学内容提出了一些建议 ,供同行商榷。
- His proposal became the target of criticism. 他的建议成了批评的目标。
- The conclusion turns out to be that China has reached the target of equilibrium of cultivated land occupation and complementation since 1996. 结果认为:1)耕地总量动态平衡战略实施以来,我国已逐步实现耕地面积的占补平衡,耕地净减少的趋势基本得到控制,但人均耕地呈下降趋势;
- A story of cultivation, exploitation, civilization. 一个关于耕作,开发,教化的故事。
- This method of cultivation produces higher yield. 这种耕作方法可提高产量。
- It seems that the traditional English teaching means can t meet the need of development in the current situation and can t relatively fully implement the target of cultivating talents. 在当今经济全球化、区域一体化的时代,对人才综合素质的要求更高,而传统的外语教学手段已不能满足新形势的发展需要以及较全面地实施人才培养目标。
- Pragmatism is the common target of different world. 实用是东西方不同世界的共同追求。
- His crazy ideas made him the target of their jokes. 他的古怪使他成为他们取笑的对象。
- Gradual optimization of the structure of cultivation. 种植业结构逐步优化。
- I was out front, a target of opportunity. 我却站在第一线,是个最合适的靶子。
- This book will be the target of bitter criticism. 这书会成为严格批评的对象。
- The fat man is the target of many jokes. 那个胖子是大家取笑的对象。
- This broker is the target of the conversation. 此Broker是会话的目标。
- The long-term target of the sea c. 海文化之长期目标。
- The "noun" is the target of the code. “名词”是代码的目标。
- A queue can be the target of a SELECT statement. 队列可以是SELECT语句的目标。
- Can be directed using Target of Vengeance. 施法距离700,冷却时间35秒。
- The appeal fund has reached its target of 10000. 吁请捐助的款项已达到10000英镑这一预定目标.
- Study on the Choice of Cultivation Area of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. 丹参种植地点的选择依据及标准研究。
- Target of infection : Network shares. 感染对象:网络股.