- drone aircraft;target drone 靶机
- target drone aircraft 靶机
- Insurgents in Iraq have hacked into live video feeds from unmanned American drone aircraft, US media reports say. 美国某媒体报道称,伊拉克叛乱分子黑入美国无人侦察机反馈回来的实时录像系统。
- The method makes use of such information as optical measuring data, instrumentation aircraft position and drone aircraft position, etc. 本文针对这种情况,提出一种利用机载实况记录系统输出的测角数据、机和靶机位置数据等信息,对机载平台动态测姿精度进行检验的方法。
- On the same day, a US drone aircraft fired missiles at a suspected hideout of the Taliban-linked militants in northwest Pakistan, killing at least 27. 当天,塔利班分子在巴西北部的一个老巢遭到疑似美军无人机发射的导弹袭击,造成至少27人死亡。
- Minitype power unit with diesel and propeller is widely used in aviation model,unmanned scout and target drone. 航模、无人驾驶侦察机和靶机等飞行器经常采用带螺旋桨的活塞式小型动力装置。
- Nunn said, a handful of fanatics could crash a radio-controlled drone aircraft into the building, "engulfing it with chemical weapons and causing tremendous death and destruction. 努思说,有一小撮狂热分子可能操纵无线遥控飞机冲进这栋大楼,"使大楼完全为化学武器所吞没,造成极大的人员死亡与财务破坏。"
- Use the Interceptors to destroy the target drones. 指挥拦截机攻击靶机。
- If a squad is moving through the desert, for example, a drone aircraft might fly ahead of the soldiers and send back pictures of enemy troops lying in wait. 举例来说,如果一个小队正在沙漠中前进,一架无人机会飞在士兵们前面,向他们发来隐蔽着等待伏击他们的敌军部队的图片。
- But America's air force continued to experiment, converting a small jet-powered target drone, the Firebee, into an unmanned spy plane called the Lightning Bug. 但是美国空军仍没放弃进一步的试验,他们将一架小型喷气动力的靶机“火蜜蜂”转变为一架无人驾驶的侦察机,并取名为“闪电虫”。
- The Targeting Drone can target one unit at a time, and increases the damage that unit takes by 50%. 制导机械蜂一次能够锁定一个单位,使它承受的伤害增加50%25,这个效果不可累加。
- An approach of static simulation of altitude measurement using a KGW-XX radio altimeter installed in a target drone model is introduced, experimental data are presented, and testing results are analyzed in theory. 摘要介绍某型拖靶使用的KGW-XX型无线电高度表静态模拟测高试验方法,给出了试验数据,并对试验结果进行了理论分析。
- "Visible in the very last screenshot, the Targeting Drone is the latest ability added to the Nighthawk. 从最新的截图来看,制导机械蜂是新添加的夜鹰技能,据说取代了原有的纳米维修技能。
- With the targeting drone currently removed from the Nighthawk, we'll have to wait to see if another unit takes it up as an ability. 夜鹰的释放靶机的能力目前被移除了,我们会观察看看,是否将这个技能给予其他单位。
- Advanced Subsonic Aerial Target Drone 高级亚音速空中靶机
- He can drone on for hours about his pet subjects. 他能就他的宠物侃侃而谈几小时。
- Newly developed TJ 100 engine is designed for wide range of civil and military applications, such as UAV's,UCAV's or target drones. 新开发的TJ 100发动机是专为范围广泛的民用和军事应用,如无人机,无人作战飞机或靶机。
- The aircraft was flying above thick fog. 飞机在浓雾上空飞行。
- The speed of this aircraft is very high. 这架飞机的速度非常快。
- He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit. 他一块一块地装配飞机模型。