- tappet clearance adjust gauge 汽门挺杆间隙调整尺
- Tappet clearance is factory preset. No adjustment is necessary until after 1 hour of operation (including break-in period). 汽门间隙出厂时都已经调整妥当,没有调整的必要直到含磨合+飞行时间约1小时才需执行。
- "Valve-face wear.In addition to the conditions discussed above, excessive tappet clearance or dirt on the valve face or seat could cause Valve-face wear. 气门表面磨损:除上述介绍的情况外,气门问隙过大或气门表面与气门座的污垢均会使气门表面磨损。
- Tappet clearances of inlet and exhaust valves to be measured and adjusted while the engine being warmed up. 进、排气阀在热机下测量并调整间隙。
- To use this arrangement with a preload, attention must be paid to the amount of preload and clearance adjustment. 若要使用此安排,预,必须注意的数额预紧力和清除的调整。
- The placket size decides the displacement of the regulation arm when the clearance adjusting beginning. 调整环的开口尺寸确定了拨叉开始调整间隙的位移,也是保证机构进行正确工作的关键部分。
- The working principle, interior structure and clearance adjustment of the double gear-rack feeding device of the table of XHT2420 gantry machining center are described in detail. 着重阐述XHT2420龙门五面加工中心工作台双齿轮-齿条机构进给系统的工作原理、内部结构及在装配过程中消除间隙的方法。
- Measuring clearance reduction with a feeler gauge. 用测隙规测量游隙减小量。
- Let me tell you some details about clearance. 让我告诉你一些通关的细节。
- It was difficult to gauge how people would respond. 大家的反应如何难以估计。
- Dynamic Distortion of Valve Train of Diesel Engine with the Change of Camshaft Speed and Tappet Clearance 配气机构动变形随转速及气门间隙的变化规律
- Adjust bearing clearance with shims. 用垫片调整轴承间隙。
- Replace rotor; adjust the clearance. 更换转子,调整间隙。
- 1. Tappet clearance is factory preset. No adjustment is necessary until after 1 hour of operation (including break-in period). 汽门间隙出厂时都已经调整妥当,没有调整的必要直到含磨合+飞行时间约1小时才需执行。
- Poor Bill, all his things are at gage. 可怜的比尔,他所有的东西都当掉了。
- He took the gauge of the new secretary's ability. 他估量了一下新秘书的能力。
- The servant tried to gauge his master's mood. 那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。
- Could I adjust to Chinese life at72? 七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?
- Does the lender require any gage for the loan? 贷方要求这笔贷款要有抵押品吗?
- "Valve-face wear. In addition to the conditions discussed above, excessive tappet clearance or dirt on the valve face or seat could cause Valve-face wear." 气门表面磨损:除上述介绍的情况外,气门问隙过大或气门表面与气门座的污垢均会使气门表面磨损。