- tap the production potential 发掘生产潜力
- The natural conditions for Chinese gallnut ( Melaphis chinensis) production in Guizhou province and the production potential are discussed. 本文对五倍子产区的自然条件和生产潜力进行了分析.
- Mexia says Portugal can radically increase the production potential of both wind and hydro plants by using surplus wind energy to drive water upstream and fill hydroelectric dams. 墨西阿表示,运用这些过剩的风能将水引回上游流入水力发电大坝,葡萄牙就能够极大地提高风力发电厂和水利发电厂的生产潜力。
- Dress and soak seed handling, can strengthen seed vigour, raise emergence rate and sprout rate, make sprout even sprout strong, raise the production potential of soil. 进行拌种和浸种处理,可以增强种子活力,提高出苗率和成苗率,使苗齐苗壮,提高土壤的生产潜力。
- The workers tap the rubber trees every morning. 每天清晨,工人们切割橡树皮使胶液流出。
- The ducks of the production team have been fed out. 生产队的鸭子已养肥到可以上市了。
- The product is on trial in our laboratory. 该产品正在由我们实验室做测试。
- The production lines were phased in last year. 这些生产线,是去年逐渐引进的。
- They detected no defect in the product. 他们没发现产品有任何问题。
- We have just begun to tap the potential of computer networks. 我们只是刚开始发掘计算机网络的潜力.
- He works on the production line. 他在生产流水线上干活。
- Small differences in growth rates, if they are sustained over many years, can make large differences in the productive potential of an economy. 增长微小的差距如果持续多年,就可以造成一个国家生产潜力上的很大差距。
- A stereo planting mode of Larix gmelinii and Aralia elata was approached in order to effectively improve the productive potential of forest lands. 摘要为了充分提高林地的生产潜力,对落叶松-龙牙葱木这一立体栽培模式进行了探讨。
- She is the product of a broken home. 她是一个破裂家庭的产儿。
- The productive potential of the city was unparalleled, and the pace of its industrial expansion reached explosive proportions. 这个城市的生产潜力无可比拟,它的工业扩张速度已经达到了巨大的比率。
- The workers tap the rubber trees every morning . 每天清晨,工人们切割橡树皮使胶液流出。
- The slogan was a pun on the name of the product. 广告标语与其产品名称一语双关。
- You tap the table when someone pours tea for you. 别人给你倒茶时叩桌子。
- We wish to eliminate all barriers to international trade that strangle the productive potential of countless countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 我们希望能够消除国际贸易中所有的障碍以解除对亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲无数国家潜在生产力的遏制。
- So far, the show will tap the most positive. 截至目前为止,将表演踢踏舞是最肯定的。