- Products of Zhejiang Think Tank Fire Co. Ltd. 浙江信达可恩消防实业有限责任公司产品简介。
- We heard loud booms from American tank fire. 我们听到美式坦克开火时发出的巨大响声。
- The simulation of tank fire control system is an important part of tank simulated firing training. 摘要坦克火控系统仿真是坦克模拟训练研究的重要组成部分和重点研究内容。
- Boil over leads to the difficulty in extinguishing and controlling the crude oil tank fire. 在原油储罐火灾中,沸溢的发生致使火灾事态难以控制和扑救。
- Anti tank fire teams and Panzertoten now have 2 ATW weapons and one leader in a squad. 反坦克活力组及坦克歼击(组;队?)现在拥有两个反坦克武器及一个指挥官.
- Mouse control direction Click the left mouse button aiming tank fire, a total of three tests, you have three opportunities to start now! 鼠标控制方向,点击鼠标左键瞄准坦克射击,共有三关,你有三次机会,现在开始吧!
- In order to calculate fire fighting forces for petrochemical tank fire, the concept of tank characteristic importance (TCI) is introduced. 摘要在计算石油化工储罐火灾扑救所需的消防力量时,引入储罐特性重要度的概念。
- Applying the pierced remnant energy theory,based on the damage theory of APFSDS,HEAT and shrapnel,a new method of selecting shells of tank firing at armored target according to pierced remnant energy is put forward. 运用剩余穿深理论,结合坦克配用的穿甲弹、破甲弹和榴弹毁伤目标的机理,通过理论分析,提出了依据剩余窗深选择坦克对装甲目标射击弹种的新方法。
- Firepower is the core of tank performance index among its fire power,mobility and protective ability,and fire control technoloogy is a key ele ment to improve tank fire power. 在坦克的火力、机动性和防护力三大性能指标中,其首要的核心指标是火力,而火力控制技术又是制约坦克火力发展的关键性技术。
- On the basis of random cutthrough theory,the concept of intelligent firing gate of imagestabilized tank fire control system is presented,and the mathematic model of the system is derivated. 应用随机穿越理论,提出了稳象式坦克火控系统智能射击门概念,对其数学模型进行了推导,并对智能射击门应用的一些技术问题进行了分析说明,为工程实践提供了明确的技术途
- Case study shows that the effect of petrochemical tank characteristic importance on the requirement of fire fighting forces should be considered during extinguishing petrochemical tank fire. 应用研究表明,在计算石油化工储罐火灾所需消防资源时,应考虑到储罐特性重要度对资源需求的影响。
- The determination of tank characteristics importance can provide scientific decision basis for fire fighting commanders to assemble fire fighting forces to extinguish petrochemical tank fire. 储罐特性重要度的确定为消防指挥员在扑救石油化工储罐火灾时调集合理的消防力量,提供了科学的决策依据。
- FangShan station has a fire protection team of 20 fire fighters.There is also a fire hall control room which is manned 24 Hrs a day.This is where the foam system is activated during a tank fire. 房山站现有消防人员20名,同时站内消防间设有24小时值班人员,消防间负责储罐起火时开启泡沫灭火系统。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- The tank fires mainly armor piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot, high explosive anti-tank and high explosive munitions. 火灾的坦克装甲穿透主要鱼翅稳定脱壳,高爆反坦克和高爆弹药。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- He is siphoning out petrol from a tank. 他在从油罐里吸出汽油。
- Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing. 开枪后子弹从枪膛里弹出去。
- I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank. 我需要一个漏斗把汽油灌进油箱。
- Please run off the water from the tank. 请把桶里的水放出。