- tangible material benefits 可计的物质利益
- Ambition is not closely related to material benefits. 野心并不一定和物质利益有直接渊源。
- Their material benefits and political treatment should remain unchanged. 生活待遇和政治待遇可以不降低。
- And they should be linked to increases or reductions in material benefits. 而且,这种赏罚、升降必须同物质利益联系起来。
- We must try to increase the material benefits for the few top intellectuals. 要注意解决好少数高级知识分子的待遇问题。
- The friendship propped up with material benefits finds no way to last. 靠物质利益维系的友谊是不可能长久的。
- But revolution takes place on the basis of the need for material benefit.It would be idealism to emphasize the spirit of sacrifice to the neglect of material benefit. 但是,革命是在物质利益的基础上产生的,如果只讲牺牲精神,不讲物质利益,那就是唯心论。
- Despite all those material benefits brought by wealth, it may not bring us real happiness. 尽管金钱会给我们带来许多物质方面的好处,但它不一定能给我们带来真正的幸福。
- After retirement or quitting work, teachers shall enjoy the material benefits as prescribed by the State. 第三十条师退休或者退职后,享受国家规定的退休或者退职待遇。
- But the material benefits of tourism for local residents are hard to overstate,especially for people long mired in poverty and desperate for a way out. 但是对地方性的居民观光事业的物质利益是难夸大的叙述,尤其因为人们渴望在贫穷方面陷于泥泞和不顾死活为一个出路。
- Others can be sent to replace cadres at lower levels, who can return to production with their material benefits unchanged. 有一部分干部可以到下面去工作,替换一些下面的干部,让他们回到生产中去,待遇不降低。
- In the condition of market economy, Shelterbelt construction also must be in line with material benefits. 市场经济条件下,防护林建设也必须遵循物质利益原则。
- The disputes of material benefits made Marx suspect the viewpoint of rationalist justice. 摘要物质利益之争使马克思对理性主义的正义观产生了疑问。
- Abstract: The disputes of material benefits made Marx suspect the viewpoint of rationalist justice. 文章摘要: 物质利益之争使马克思对理性主义的正义观产生了疑问。
- Appropriate arrangements should be made for the political status of retired cadres,for their material benefits and so on. 退休、离休的干部,在政治待遇、生活待遇等各方面,都要逐个做出妥善安排。
- The government brought few tangible benefits to the poor. 政府没有给穷人带来多少实际好处。
- Others can be sent to replace cadres at lower levels,who can return to production with their material benefits unchanged. 有一部分干部可以到下面去工作,替换一些下面的干部,让他们回到生产中去,待遇不降低。
- The Organizer will not accept any claims for financial or material benefits in connection with publicity of the Championship. 为了比赛的公平、公正,主办方不会接受任何的经济或物质利益。
- The material benefits of teachers at schools run by different sectors of the society shall be determined and guaranteed by the sponsors themselves. 第三十二条社会力量所办学校的教师的待遇,由举办者自行确定并予以保障。
- In afore-mentioned medical treatment period inside, the pay of former wages material benefits of laborer is changeless, by its place unit pays by the month. 在上述医疗期内,劳动者的原工资福利待遇不变,由其所在单位按月支付。