- The essence of the tall tale was that it was told. 重要的是,这样的离奇故事到处都在讲。
- A transmitter of disease; a transmitter of tall tales. 疾病传播者; 一个散布无稽之谈的人
- He is hailed4 as a hero, until his fish companions begin to sense something fishy about his tall tale. 他很快被捧成大英雄,直到他的鱼伙伴们发现这一夸大的传言事有蹊跷。
- The tall tale has here, one may think(as in the Nevada atom bomb), reached its ultimate. 荒诞不经的故事发展到这一步,我们可以说(正如内华达的原子弹)已经达到它的极致了。
- Tall tales have a certain sameness. 荒诞不经的故事有点千篇一律。
- A tall tale is told by an old codger remembering the biggest blizzard ever, back when he was a boy. 这是一个美国古老的圣诞节神话!相当的有意思喔!适合儿童阅读。
- A spinner of flax;a spinner of tall tales. 亚麻纺织机;编造荒诞不经的故事的人
- Geez! Some people can tell tall tales. 天啊!就是有人会瞎掰。
- Political oratory, especially of the spread-eagle sort with its gorgeous metaphors, became in its burlesque moments a variant of the tall tale. 政治演说,尤其是充满华丽比喻,宣扬国威的那一种,发展到可笑的程度,就成了荒诞故事的变体。
- Tall tales have a certain sameness . 荒诞不经的故事有点千篇一律。
- The tall tale, which had been popular in America since Colonial days, spread west to reach inspired heights of mendacity. 荒诞不经的故事,在殖民地时期即已风行美国,一路向西延展,到达了虚伪的极度。
- The tall tale, which had been popular in America since Colonial days, spread west to reach inspired heights of mendacity . 荒诞不经的故事,在殖民地时期即已风行美国,一路向西延展,到达了虚伪的极度。
- Whether that is a "tall tale" or not, his most famous Jamestown experience, equally as romantic and daring, has become a legendary story in American history. 不管这是不是神话故事,但他个人在詹姆斯敦最为人津津乐道的、还是他的罗曼史与英勇事迹,也成为了美国历史上的传奇。
- Only small children could believe his tall tales about trapping elephants in Africa. 只有小孩才会相信他在非洲诱捕大象的那些荒诞不经的故事。
- A transmitter of disease;a transmitter of tall tales. 疾病传播者;一个散布无稽之谈的人
- American frontiersman and fur trader famous for his tall tales. 布里杰,詹姆斯:(804-88)美国边境地区居民和皮毛商,以善讲幽默故事著称
- That is a tall tale. 那是无稽之谈。
- That's a tall tale. 那是无稽之谈。
- I think that some of their tall tales get exaggerated in the telling. 我认为他们的一些荒诞不经的故事在讲述过程中被夸大了。
- Puns exasperate after a while, tall tales have a certain sameness, misspelling is a strain to read. 双关语用滥了看了令人生厌,荒诞不经的故事有点千篇一律,错误的拼写使人读起来特别吃力。