- The plane homed in on the radio beacon. 飞机遵循导航台信号降落。
- talking radio beacon 对话无线电信标
- Plane F103 has homed in on the radio beacon. F103号飞机已按照无线电信号飞回基地了。
- The plane homedin on the radio beacon. 飞机遵循导航台信号降落。
- The aircraft pilots picked up signals from a radio beacon. 飞机驾驶员听到了无线电航空信标的信号。
- Black talk radio seethes about it. 黑人电台的脱口访谈热烈得炸了锅。
- Planes in this airport are guided in by radio beacon. 这个机场的飞机由无线电导航台导引降落。
- Conservative talk radio predictably dubbed him “Dr Death”. 某保守派电台节目称其为“死亡大夫”。
- Bumper Beeper Radio beacon transmitter, hidden in or on a vehicle for use with radio tailing equipment. 防撞器蜂鸣器无线电信标发射机,隐藏在车辆内侧或外侧,用于无线嵌入设备。
- Note: The emergency radio beacon operates automatically in a few seconds and drifts out to the end of the lanyard. 注:应急无线电信标将在几秒钟后自动工作并向外飘浮走;直到固定绳完全展开.
- I began to work feverishly on the radio beacons. 我开始拼命地研究无线电信标。
- On my way home from coaching basketball yesterday, I was listening to WGN, my favorite talk radio station out of Chicago. 昨天,在我训练完篮球回家的路上,收听我最喜欢的一个谈话电台WGN的时候,听到播音员庄重而严肃的语调,我感觉到一定有什么事情发生了。
- An emergency radio beacon helped rescue three climbers on Mount Hood and a big dog kept them warm. The group endured a foul and a cold night before being found. 一个无线电导航台帮助救援了三名被困于胡德山的登山者。在被找到之前,这群人靠一条大狗保暖,熬过了一个恶劣、寒冷的夜晚。
- The three big mediums are talk radio, cable news and now the Internet and the blogosphere? 美国现有的三大新闻媒体为:电台广播,有线新闻以及因特网和?
- To improve reliability and raise effectiveness of radio beacon equipment,improvement scheme adopting advanced techniques like Direct Digital Drive,DGPS and merge net is discussed. 为有效增加无线电信标机的可靠性、提高效能,探讨了采用直接数字驱动、DGPS、并机网络等技术对无线电信标机进行改进的方案,可作为中波导航系统改进参考。
- Some, like Fox News and talk radio, have given thehaters and blamers their very own megaphones. 但这些方法都不会有多大作用,因为它们都不是针对美国选民目前最根本的焦虑。
- She said music was more effective than silence, conversation or talk radio in achieving an optimal state of alertness. 她说,就进入最理想的警觉状态而言,音乐比沉默、对谈或广播谈话节目更有效。
- That is not because the president is a socialist, as his detractors on talk radio claim. 但是,与电台热线广播里贬损他的人说的不同,这一切并不是因为他是一名社会主义者。
- But Arnold wasn't the only Californian announcing his candidacy on Wednesday. Earlier in the day, talk radio host Arianna Huffington announced her candidacy as an independent. 但是,阿诺并不是唯一一个,在周三宣布要竞选加州州长的人。早些时候,亚利安娜.;贺芬顿在电台宣布,她将以无党派人士的身份参加州长竞选。
- And the deafening silence of blacks has drawn criticism on talk radio from some whites who say blacks have a double standard when victims of hate crime are whites. 一些白人在电台谈话节目中对黑人在这起事件上装聋作哑、闭口不谈加以指责。他们说,当攻击性犯罪的受害者是白人时,黑人就采用双重标准。