- talk through their neckvi. 吹牛(讲蠢话;胡说八道)
- This enabled us to see through their subtle scheme. 这使我们得以识破他们的诡计。
- Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 鱼通过鳃摄取氧气。
- The new recruits were put through their paces. 新兵正接受考验。
- The test pilots put the new planes through their paces. 试验飞行员表演新型飞机的性能。
- Everyone craned their neck to see where it was. 每个人都伸长了脖子去看它到底在哪儿。
- The gang launder the steal money through their chain of restaurant. 这帮匪徒通过他们的连锁饭店洗赃款。
- Who but a fool like him would talk through his hat. 除了他这样的蠢人谁会如此胡诌。
- "Everyone craned their neck to see where it was. 我一直长到你们这么大才离开那儿。"
- Do you often talk through the hat? 你经常吹牛吗?
- Most plants are nourished by water drawn up through their roots. 多数植物是靠着根吸收水分来维持生命的。
- Come on! Don't talk through your hat any more! 拜托!别再信口开河了!
- Who but a fool like he would talk through his hat. 除了他这样蠢人谁会如此胡诌。
- They imposed through their magnifcent attire. 他们靠华丽的服装来行骗。
- You're talking through your hat. 你是在胡说八道。
- The pupils were droning through their lessons. 小学生们低声读书。
- These plants imbibe moisture through their roots. 这些植物通过根部吸收水分。
- After three long meetings, the project seemed to be talked through. 经过三次长时间的会议,这个项目似乎已经谈得很透彻了。
- Somebody's going to break their neck(= injure themselves)on these steps. 会有人在这台阶上摔伤的。
- They breathed through their skin, not lungs. 他们是用皮肤呼吸,而不是肺部。