- talipes plantaris [医] 弓形足
- Method: 12 cases were selected talipes. 方法:选自12例本病患者。
- Conclusion Used allograft is easy to do and recover arcus plantaris. 采用带骨膜的复合胫前动脉逆行皮瓣,不影响患足的供血,加速骨的愈合。
- Novel external mini-frame for congenital talipes equinovarus in infants. 先天性;
- OBJECTIVE:In order to study the theory of curing pustulosis et plantaris with (ppetp) herbal medicine. 目的:研究中草药治疗掌跖脓疱病疗效的理论规律。
- This article reports a case of giant verruca plantaris resistedto routine therapy. 报道顽固性巨大难治跖疣1例。
- CONCLUSION: The new 3D external mini-frame shows favorable effects for congenital talipes equinovarus in infants. 结论:新微型足三维矫形外固定器治疗婴幼儿先天性马蹄内翻足效果良好。
- The sternum was malformation.The sacrospinal bifida and the talipes varus were found and the testes were not descended. 患儿双侧唇裂,严重腭裂,胸骨畸形,骶部脊柱裂,双侧睾丸未降,足内翻。
- Objective To study a new method of the vascularized plantaris tendon transferring. 目的探讨一种新的吻合血管的肌腱移植方法及其不同术式的临床应用。
- Objective: To improve the therapeutic results of talipes equinovarus in children. 目的:为了提高儿童僵硬型马蹄内翻足的治疗效果。
- OBJECTIVE:In order to study the theory of curing pustulosis et plantaris with (ppetp) herbal medicine. 目的:研究中草药治疗掌跖脓疱病疗效的理论规律。
- Objective To introduce a surgical treatment for muscular imbalance in congenital talipes equinovarus and its effects. 目的介绍一种解决先天性马蹄内翻足肌力不平衡的手术方法和效果。
- This article reports a case of giant verruca plantaris resisted to routine therapy. 报道顽固性巨大难治跖疣1例。
- Abstract: Objective: To improve the therapeutic results of talipes equinovarus in children. 文摘:目的:为了提高儿童僵硬型马蹄内翻足的治疗效果。
- Plantaris bend malformation of ankle joint, a serious epiphenomenon will occurs when patients lie on bed for a long time. 摘要各种原因导致患者长期卧床后将引起严重的并发症:踝关节跖屈畸形。
- Conclusion: Equinovarus and talipes cavus were fequently seen in this disease, osseous operation was better than soft tissu operation. 结论:本病多为内翻高弓足畸形,骨性手术效果优于软组织手术。
- The plantaris muscle, popliteofibular ligament, fabellofibular ligament, and semimembranosus bursa were present in all specimens. 跖肌腘胫韧带,腓肠豆腓侧韧带和半膜肌都在标本中保留。
- AIM: To evaluate the effect of reverse manipulation and serial long leg casting on congenital talipes equinovarus (GTE). 摘要目的:观察应用逆转手法按摩和系列石膏固定治疗先天性马蹄内翻足的疗效。
- Plantaris bend malformation of ankle joint,a serious epiphenomenon will occurs when patients lie on bed for a long time. 各种原因导致患者长期卧床后将引起严重的并发症:踝关节跖屈畸形。
- Objective: To provide anatomic basis of 3 set vascular network for using arcus plantaris skinor myocutaneous flap to repair the heel defect. 目的:用跖弓皮瓣、肌皮瓣修复足跟缺损,提供足底三套血管网分布特点的解剖学依据。