- The methods were simple, rapid, reliable and can be used for the measurement of talc powder in flour. 其中灰化处理适宜温度为500~50℃该方法简便、速,灵敏度高,样品用量少,准确可靠,可推广为检测面粉质量的一种较理想的手段。
- We are the factory which deal with talc, include talc powder, talc lump, talc grain. The goods were ... 发布者:吴静所在地:辽宁鞍山市行业:冶金矿产职位:业务助理工作年限:五年以上
- Our main Exporting products is Spice and Essential Oils, Weave of Bamboo, wooden, bine, awn, Canned goods, talc powder, etc. 公司目前形成了以香料及香料油、木藤芒制品、头食品、石粉等为拳头产品,不断开发新产品和市场,在开展业务的同时,借助与广大客商的合作,在互惠互利的基础上,发展自己。
- The suitable conditions of papermaking were as follows:the ratio of KP to P-RC APMP was 40:60,talc powder 20%,VBL 0.1%,CPAM 0.04%,AKD 0.15%. 抄造较适宜的条件如下:KP/P-RCAPMP的配比为40/60;滑石粉用量20%25;荧光增白剂VBL0.;1%25;CPAM0
- It is widely used for succedaneum of glass fiber, asbestos and talc powder as filler in rubber, plastic material and paper industrial. 常作为玻璃纤维、石棉和片状滑石粉的代用品或并用品广泛地应用于橡胶、塑料及造纸作为填料。
- Talc powder in flour was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis( XRD) after isolation of flour with carbon tetrachloride or cineration at high temperature from500℃ to750℃. 通过四氯化碳分离或高温灰化,X射线衍射分析测定面粉中掺入的滑石粉。
- The oil-filled EPDM,PP and super-fine talc powder were used as main materials, and EPDM/PP-TPV was prepared in single screw extruders by means of dynamic vulcanization. 以充油三元乙丙橡胶 (EPDM )、粉状聚丙烯 (PP)、超细活性滑石粉为基本材料 ,采用动态硫化法在单螺杆挤出机组上制备EPDM/PP共混型热塑性弹性体 (TPV) ;
- All cases also underwent the pleurodesis by spraying talc powder and cisplatin to the thoracic cavity.RESULTS: Pleural effusion of all patients improved c... 结论:电视胸腔镜手术对胸腔积液的病因诊断有临床实用价值,滑石粉胸膜固定加顺铂喷洒治疗是控制恶性胸腔积液的有效方法。
- The changes of specific properties,crystal structure,chemical bond and element displacement in ultrafine grinding of talc powder with stirred mill are studied in the paper. 研究表明,滑石粉经超细磨后,晶体结构趋于无序化,硅、氧和镁原子的结合能降低,各晶面的衍射强度、官能团对应的红外光谱的波峰及衍射斑点也发生波动。
- There was significant difference in therapeutic effect between two groups (P<0.01). [Conclusions] Talc powder suspension pleuroclysis on spontaneous pneumothorax was good. 两组疗效比较,差异有显著性(P<0.;01),治疗组优于对照组。结论滑石粉悬浊液胸腔灌洗术治疗自发性气胸疗效较好。
- Absract The application of the non-metallic minerals substances such as talc powder,pottery clay and white carbon to MDI type polyu rethane paving material used in playground is studied. 探讨了滑石粉、陶土、白炭黑等非金属矿材料在运动场所使用的MDI型聚氨酯铺面材料中的应用。
- In large scale operations the pollen may be mixed with inert Lycopodium spores, PVC, starch or talc powder and applied with aspirator-type Japanese apple-pollinators, to save time and pollen. 在大规模行动花粉可混合惰性石松孢子;聚氯乙烯;淀粉或滑石粉和应用负压式曰本苹果授粉;以节省时间和花粉.
- The repeatability and durability of the method to determine the contents of acid soluble substances in medical talc powder (MTP) and the main influence factors are discussed in this paper. 考察药用滑石粉酸中可溶物测定方法的重复性、耐用性,分析主要影响因素。
- Electric cable grade talc powder 电缆级滑石粉
- Haichen Cosmetic Grade Talc Powder 海城化妆品级滑石粉
- Medical and food grade talc powder 产品名:医药食品级滑石粉
- Code of dust control for talc powder processing 滑石粉加工防尘技术规程
- Pottery and porcelain grade talc powder 海城陶瓷级滑石粉二级
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。