- An aircraft that can take off and land on either land or water. 水陆两用飞机可以在水面和地面起飞降落的飞机
- I like to watch planes taking off and landing. 我喜欢看着飞机起飞和降落。
- Now our aircrafts need a long runway to take off and land. 现在我们的飞机需要很长的跑道起飞和降落。
- A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up and down. 直升飞机可以垂直起飞或着陆。
- The area of fields and runways where aircraft can take off and land. 飞机场飞机可以起飞和降落的场地和跑道
- A strip of level, usually paved ground on which aircraft take off and land. 跑道飞机起飞或登陆的一条水平道路,通常铺过地面。
- The plane took off and landed on without difficulty. 飞机顺利地起飞和降落。
- There is often a spectators balcony at airports where people can watchthe planes taking off and landing. 机场常设有看台,供人们观看飞机起飞降落。
- Please turn off all electronic devices, when the plane is taking off and landing. 请在飞机起飞时及降落时,关掉所有的电子设施
- Flights taking off and landing, overtime flights, passenger throughput, are a record summer peak. 航班起降、加班飞行架次、旅客吞吐量,均创历年暑运的最高值。
- Please hold your seat table and return your seat backs to the upright position during taxing,taking off and landing. 飞机在滑行、起飞、下降(时),请将桌板扣好、座椅靠背调直。
- Life like a series of taking off and landing, but i prefer the way of unfurling wings not only! 人生就像一系列的起飞和降落,但是我选择展开翅膀的方式不止一种!
- A close watch of the passenger airplanes' taking off and landing with roars is sure to be a unique and unforgettable experience. 近距离观看一架架大型客机带着尖厉的轰鸣声起飞和降落时的雄姿,是一种在别的机场得不到的体验。
- At the same time, the airport in January to protect the safety of aircraft taking off and landing 3846 sorties, also a record high. 同时,机场1月份保障飞机安全起降3846架次,也创下历史新高。
- And having larger jets may mean having fewer planes. Fewer planes taking off and landing will equal less waiting on the tarmac. 使用更大型的喷气机会减少飞机的数量,起降的飞机少了,等于停在停机坪上的飞机也会少些。
- Carrier-based planes refer to those that can take off and land on an aircraft carrier. 舰载机指的是那些可以在航空母舰上起飞和降落的飞机。
- Reservation of All Lines Those Take Off and Land in Shanghai, and Having Special Price, Delivering in Free. 世界及国内各航空公司在上海起降的所有航班机票预定,更有特价机票,送票上门。
- The UK BAE company's Harrier is the first vertical taking off and landing fighter deployed in the world, which can also hold over in the air and fly backward. 英国BAE公司(英国宇航公司)的鹞是世界上第一种实用的可以垂直起落、快速平飞、空中悬停和倒退飞行的战斗机。
- Her hat fly off and landed up in the river. 她的帽子让风刮跑落到河里了。
- The UK BAE company`s Harrier is the first vertical taking off and landing fighter deployed in the world, which can also hold over in the air and fly backward. 英国BAE公司(英国宇航公司)的鹞是世界上第一种实用的可以垂直起落、快速平飞、空中悬停和倒退飞行的战斗机。