- They took off their coats and fell to. 他们脱掉外套开始干了起来。
- The men took off their coats and began to scrape away the loose stones with their bare hands. 那些人脱去衣服,开始空手扒开那些松散的石头。
- After the two took off their coats, Wang said, "It's still hot.How about further taking off our underclothes? 脱去外衣后, 王阳明又说:“还是热, 再把内衣也脱了吧。"
- They crowded into her garden. They took off their coats, their hats, their boots, their gloves, and their scarves. 他们拥挤在她的花园,他们脱下他们的外套,他们的靴子,他们的手套以及他们的围巾。
- I can not tell who's who when the women take off their makeup. 女士们卸了妆,我就分辨不出谁是谁。
- taken off their coatv. 认真着手工作(准备打架)
- take off their coatvi. 认真着手工作(准备打架)
- Before gold, even kings take off their hats. 在黄金面前,国王也要脱帽。
- They take off their hat by the grave in silent salute. 他们在墓旁脱帽默哀。
- The revellersunmasked (ie took off their masks) at midnight. 狂欢的人在午夜摘下了面具。
- Mrs.Robinson likes to keep her house just so, and she makes the children take off their shoes when they come in the house. 鲁滨逊太太喜欢把他的房子收拾得井然有序列,孩子们进房时也都有要让他们把鞋子脱掉。
- The order was given to halt and take off their knapsacks. 发出了停止前进,取下背囊的命令。
- Cloakroom to store clothing, for men to take off the coat or jacket, good storage, and then kept their coats or jackets. 到衣帽间存放衣物,男士先帮女士脱下大衣或外套存放好,然后再存放自己的大衣或外套。
- took off their coatv. 认真着手工作(准备打架)
- Everyone of them took off their hats. 个人都帮了一把手,连约翰也不例外。
- They took off their hats by the grave in silent salute. 他们在墓旁脱帽默哀.
- The children took off their clothes and went to bed. 孩子们脱下衣服去睡觉。
- However hot it is, he will not take off his coat. 无论多热,他也不会脱掉外衣。
- Edna: Today actors shoot people instead of taking off their hats. 艾德娜:现在的演员们开枪杀人而不是脱帽行礼。
- The doctor gestured me to take off my coat. 医生做手势要我脱去外套。