- It is easy to do, but also difficult to take wider view or the right perspective. 这是很容易拍摄,但极难得到较阔的画面及正确的透视效果。
- He takes wide views. 他(心胸)无偏见[采取开通的观点]。
- take wide views 持开明见解
- The eruption of a volcano? On top here, we have a much wide view to enjoy. 火山喷发啊?我上来之后,视野还挺开阔呀。
- A high place or structure commanding a wide view, used for observation. 观察所高处或视野开阔的建筑,用于了望
- We're enjoying a much wider view. 果然视野开阔啊。
- A high place commands a much wider view. 站在高处视野开阔。
- Take a wide view the Chinese ancient history, the period of East Jin and South Dynasty refugees' phenomenon is very outstanding, it is to the harassment that society bring also big. 纵观中国古代史,东晋南朝时期的流民现象十分突出,它对社会带来的困扰也大。
- High power LED have high intensity and wide viewing angles. 高功率导致高强度和宽视角。
- In the old times, Fianna took wide moors, forests and peat bogs as their homes. 古代,芬尼安以大片的荒野、森林和泥炭沼泽为家。
- The layout of the pavilions,terraces,rockeries and ponds shows great origina1ity in affording wide views in a small confined space. 亭台楼阁、假山池塘的布局,独具匠心,有“以小见大”之特色。
- He displayed the liveliest interest in human vagaries, together with the wide view that makes the work a classic. 他对人类的异想天开显示了浓厚的兴趣,加以涉及的幅度广阔,使他这部历史成了经典著作。
- Ronda is located on both sides of a 100m deep canyon, which is making this town special and is offering wide views all around. 隆达位于高达100米深的峡谷的两旁,这就是该镇与众不同之处,而且在这里可以看到四周广阔的美景。
- Democracy is widely viewed as a fraud. 民主被广泛的认为是欺诈。
- The layout of the pavilions, terraces, rockeries and ponds shows great origina1ity in affording wide views in a small confined space. 亭台楼阁、假山池塘的布局,独具匠心,有“以小见大”之特色。
- Experts on advisory panels are often loath to take widely used medicines out of doctors' hands, even when their safety is uncertain. 咨询小组的专家们往往不情愿从医生手中拿走已被广泛使用的药物,即使这些药物在安全性方面具有不确定性。
- In this gorgeous wide view, the red emission is also juxtaposed with the telltale blue haze of reflection nebulae. 红色的发射星云和隐约模糊的蓝色反射星云并列在图中。。
- Experts on advisory panels are often loath to take widely used medicines out of doctors’ hands, even when their safety is uncertain. 专家咨询小组往往不愿意采取广泛用于药品出医生的手,甚至当他们的安全是有不确定性。
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。