- The canals take water to the fields. 水渠把水送到田里。
- The canals take water to the rice fields. 水渠把水送到稻田里。
- Canals have been built to take water to the desert. 开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。
- The roots take water from the ground to the tree. 树根将地面的水分输送给树木。
- Bring me to take water in your shop. I'm thirsty. 我跟他说:带我去你店里喝水,我口渴。
- For see, the Queen's barge lies at the stairs, as if her Majesty were about to take water. 瞧,女王的游艇停泊在浮码头边,好像女王陛下就要乘船出航。
- Shure Asia don't take water good now even it is still in warrenty. 不过既然你朋友已经俾左%24%24...唔通上去追番咩.
- We often take water waves as an example to illustrat the radio waves. 我们经常把水波拿来打比方讲解无线电波。
- The English have always taken water for granted. 英国人对于用水总是想当然。
- All day long, Molly took water to the sick and wounded soldiers. 整整一天,莫莉都在为伤病员提水,
- The scientists are taking water samples from the river. 科学家正从河中采水样。
- For see,the Queen's barge lies at the stairs,as if her Majesty were about to take water. 瞧,女王的游艇停泊在码头边,好像女王陛下就要乘船出航一样。
- Can I take water drinks foods with liquids through the security screening point at HKIA? 我是否可以带同水饮品附有液体的食物,通过香港国际机场的保安检查?
- Arm was felt by cut hind some of mercurochrome hind the following day the skin begins to bubble, take water how do? 胳膊被划伤后摸了些红汞后第二天皮肤开始起泡,留水咋么办?
- Chinese medicine has been made pills packed in rice paper, the astronauts in space can easily take water. 中药被做成药丸装在米纸里,航天员在太空中可以很方便地加水服用。
- The experiment result indicated: it is viable from the macroscopical point of view to take water as simulation medium. 试验结果表明:以水作为模拟介质,从宏观上反映铝液的流动状态是可行的;
- The first and second stage of Xiangfan power plant is designed to take water from Hanjiang River and drain the cooling water into the same River. 襄樊电厂一、二期工程均以汉江为水源,采用直流供水方式,排水入汉江。
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
- The reflection of villas in the lake witnesses the history of many years. Those with humanity settle near mountain while those with wit take water as neighbor. 湖边的别墅穿透理智的头脑与选择的步伐交织。不论是湖边的第几栋别墅,日月在湖水中的倒影沉淀了多年的平衡天平。仁者依山而居,智者与水为临。
- On arriving at the monitoring station, EPD staff check if their equipment is working properly and then proceed to make a range of field observations and take water samples. 环保署职员抵达监测站后,先检验监测仪器的准确性,然后开始进行一系列的观察工作和采集水样本。