- You should take warning from (ie be warned by) what happened to me. 你应以我的事情引为鉴戒。
- Oh! Could I have taken warning by their disasters, I had been happy still. 唉!假使我能够从她们的失败得到教训,我还是快乐的。
- Comrades should take warning from these instances of pride and error. 同志们要从这些因为骄傲而犯错误的事例中吸取教训。
- You should take warning from his example. 你应当把他作为前车之鉴。
- Let us take warning from the fall of Abyssinia[5]. 阿比西尼亚的覆辙(5),前车可鉴。
- To call, summon, or warn by means of a beeper. 寻呼通过BP机寻呼、召集或警告
- I must take warning from this incident. 我必须把这次事件引以为鉴。
- We should take warning from this setback. 我们应当把这次挫折引为鉴戒。
- My father was warned by the villagers that he was in great danger. 老乡们告诉我爸爸,他的处境很危险。
- How is it possible to expect mankind to take advice when they will not so much as take warning? 人类既然连警告都无意接受,有怎可能期望他们接受劝告?
- We must take warning from this story and not repeat their errors. 我们要把这件事引为鉴戒,不要重犯他们的错误。
- Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, O judges of the earth. 诗2:10现在你们君王应当省悟。你们世上的审判官该受管教。
- Blame not the speaker but be warned by his words. 言者无罪, 闻者足戒。
- Take warning. 记住我的警告。
- And being warned by a dream, he withdrew to the region of Galilee, there he settled in a town called Nazareth. 并按另一个梦中得到的告诫,他转往加利利地区,在一座叫拿撒勒的城里住下。
- "If she would only take warning and run away," he said to himself sometimes. “只要她接受警告逃之夭夭就好了,”有时他这样跟自己说道。
- He is wise who is warned by the misfortune of others. 前车之覆,后车之鉴。
- take warning by 拿
- After being warned by teacher,they will not wrong any more. 被老师警告他们之后,他们不再出这样的错了。
- He is wise who is warned by the misfortunes of others. 智者善从他人不幸中获取教训。