- I took the position that the law must be enforced at all costs. 我主张不惜一切代价按法律办事。
- Dge bshes bSod nams rin chen took the position that "nonexistent" exists. 格西索南扎巴采取的立场是:“不存在”是存在。
- It appears unlikely that he will take the position. 看来他不大可能就任这个职务。
- They take the position that fiscal “stimulus” of all kinds is effective against slumps of all causes. 他们认为,无论是应对由何种原因导致的衰退,各类财政“刺激”都是有效的。
- Torada, released early this photo of the Republic of China on March 3, 96, we can not take the position that he does not! torada, 发布于此照片很早是 中华民国96年3月3日,我们不能说他放的位置不对!
- I decided to take the position at the bank. 我决定接受在银行的职位。
- Anybody mind if I take the position? 我担任这个职务大家不反对吗?
- The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome. 基因座在一条染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置
- Islam takes the position that to worship anything or anyone other than one's Creator, is the gravest of sins. 伊斯兰认为,崇拜除唯一的万能的真主之外的任何人任何事物都是最大的罪孽。
- The company took the position that it was not operating in interstate commerce and hence that the NLRB had no jurisdiction. 该公司表明,它没有从事州际间商业活动,因此全国劳资关系委员会对其无管辖权。
- In the health care debate, the American College of Cardiology has taken the position that there should be reimbursement for continuity of care by cardiologists. 在医疗保健的争论中,美国心脏病学会的所采取的立场是:心脏病学家应该通过连续医护而得到报酬。
- The soldiers received orders to retire from the positions that they had just won. 士兵们接到从他们刚刚攻占的阵地撤退的命令。
- "He would not comment on why the paper chose to run the manifesto.The editor-in-chief of the paper has taken the position that there will be no comment on the matter, he added. 对于日德兰邮报为何刊登该份声明,杭森则不做任何评论,他表示,日德兰邮报总编辑会对此事发表意见。
- Asbury Seminary takes the position that God calls to His ministry men and women renewed by faith in Christ and set apart for Christian service by a divine call. 艾斯伯里学院采取的立场是上帝要求他的男子和妇女部延长基督并设置除了为基督教服务处的神圣要求。
- I am just appreciative for the position that I am in and while I am here I am going to take advantage. 我只是欣赏这个位置并且已参与其中。而我既然在这儿,我将好好利用。
- Maurice did not get the position that he applied for. 莫里斯没有得到他应征的那个职位。
- The key objectives of the position that you currently hold. 您目前工作的主要目标。
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
- Position, possibility, proof: I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children a college education. 我确信,父母不欠孩子们受大学教育这份情。
- I surmise that he will take the job. 我推测他会接受这份工作。