- The vice-president took over the leadership of the country. 副总统接掌了国家领导权。
- From then on they took over the leadership of World Judaism. 从此,他们就接手领导世界的犹太教。
- It's going to be a long process, but it's fixable if you do it right.Note: it's important you step up and take over the leadership role as well so he will look up for your guidance. Terriers 通常比较bold and fearless.;当牠叫的时候并不代表牠具有攻击性
- In 1869, when the Canadians were about to take over the Northwest, the local Metis, under the leadership of Louis Riel, took up arms against the Canadians and established a provisional government. 1869年,当加拿大人准备接管西北地区时,梅蒂斯人在他们的领袖路易?里尔的领导下对加拿大人进行了武装反抗,并建立了临时政府。
- It also raises questions about the possible arrest of opposition leader and former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim to thwart his plans of taking over the leadership of the country. 特别是副首相纳吉夫妇涉及谋杀蒙古女郎的系列报导,动摇了纳吉的强大权力根基和质疑国家领袖的才干。
- Mr Nujoma took over the leadership of the South West African People's Organisation (Swapo) in 1962 and launched an armed struggle against South African rule. 1962年,努乔马成为西南非洲人民组织的领袖,并发动了摆脱南非统治的武装斗争。
- Therefore Najib, who is also the finance minister, is spending precious political energy to ensure he takes over the leadership of the nation, without a hitch. 纳吉的改革议程必须言出必践,人民已对国阵政府空雷不雨的改革失望透顶。纳吉必须制定一个改革计划的时间表,当务之急就是”净化”巫统。
- He took over the chairmanship of the committee. 他接任了这个委员会主任的职务。
- I do not wanna take over the family business. 我不想继承家业。
- It is suggested that Smith take over the work . 建议史密斯接替这项工作。
- The buyer take over the company's liability. 购买者接管了该公司的负债。
- They marched in and took over the town. 他们进占了这一市镇。
- I would take over the job,if I were in your place. 如果我处在您的地位,我就把这工作接过来。
- He began to take over the management of the estate. 他开始接手管理那宗产业。
- I do not want to take over the family business. 我不想继承家业
- Could you possibly take over the job? 你能否接下这份工作?
- George is taking over the running of our American operation. 乔治准备接手经营我们的美国企业。
- When she fell ill her daughter took over the business from her. 她患病期间生意曾由她女儿代管。
- He took over the post in the knowledge that it might endanger his life. 他在明知他的性命有可能受到威胁的情况下接任了那职位。
- "Well, then," Hitler retorted, "Goering can take over the leadership down there." “这个,戈林能够在南方把领导责任负起来。”希特勒反驳道。