- take leave of his sensesvi. 发疯(举止若狂)
- Let's take leave of the topic and turn to another. 这个问题就说到这里吧,现在来谈谈另一个话题。
- The boy took leave of his mother,and caught the train to London. 这个男孩辞别了母亲,赶上了去伦敦的火车。
- Have you all taken leave of your senses? 你们都疯了吗?
- The boy took leave of his mother, and caught the train to London. 这个男孩辞别了母亲,赶上了去伦敦的火车。
- taken leave of his sensesv. 发疯(举止若狂)
- It is rude to banter a man out of his senses. 戏弄他人而使其失去理性是无礼的。
- took leave of his sensesv. 发疯(举止若狂)
- Have you taken leave of your senses? 你发疯了?
- They came to take leave of their teachers. 他们来向老师们告别。
- Having won twenty guineas at whist, and taken leave of his friends, Phileas Fogg, at twenty-five minutes past seven, left the Reform Club. 福克先生这次打牌赢了二十来个基尼。七点二十五分,他辞别了那些高贵的会友,离开了改良俱乐部。七点五十分,他推开了自家的大门,回到家里。
- That guy must have been bereft of his senses. 那家伙准是疯了。
- They took leave of their teacher. 他们向老师告辞。
- He is in full possession of his senses. 他显得极泰然自若。
- Having won twenty guineas at whist , and taken leave of his friends, Phileas Fogg, at twenty-five minutes past seven, left the Reform Club. 福克先生这次打牌赢了二十来个基尼。七点二十五分,他辞别了那些高贵的会友,离开了改良俱乐部。
- It is rudeto banter a man out of his senses. 戏弄他人而使其失去理性是无礼的。
- He respectfully took leave of his parents. After many years of peaceful meditation in the forest, he eventually died and was reborn in a high heaven world. 他恭敬地辞别父母。在森林里经过多年的冥想沉思后,他离开人世去往极乐世界。
- Some devil has deprived this fellow of his senses! 他被魔鬼缠上身,迷住心窍啦!
- She took leave of her mother, and caught the train to Beijing. 她告别了她母亲,搭上了去北京的列车。
- He must have been bereft of his senses. 他一定是疯了。