- They are take great pains for the every minutia. 他们为每个细节煞费苦心。
- They take great pains for each detail. 他们为每个细节煞费苦心。
- They take great pains to help me with my English. 他们竭尽全力帮助我学习英语。
- He was taking great pains to solve the problem. 他正煞费苦心解决这个问题。
- She takes great pains with her work. 她工作兢兢业业。
- Ann takes great pains over her hair. 安在她的头上花费很多时间和精力。
- All employees in the company work day and night, and take great pains. 公司所有的员工都这样没日没夜地干活,非常辛苦。
- He has taken great pains to learn English. 他下了大功夫学英语。
- He always takes great pains with his lectures. 他总是仔细用心地准备讲稿。
- I'm found that you've taken great pains with her. 我想你和她已经非常努力了。
- Tom took great pains with his physic lessons. 汤姆努力学习物理,得了高分。
- He took great pains to please his lover. 他费尽心机讨好他爱人。
- She took great pains to lose weight. 她煞费苦心得减肥。
- He took great pains to manage the factory well. 为了管理好工厂,他可真是煞费苦心。
- She took great pains in educating her children. 她煞费苦心教育她的子女。
- He takes great pains with everything he doses. 他做每一件事情都下了很大的工夫。
- They took great pains to build up their influence there. 他们花很大气力在那里培植他们的势力。
- Individual scientists working in the laboratory are taught to take great pains to eliminate bias and error during the execution of experiments. 要教育在实验室工作的科学家在实验过程中应力求避免偏颇与差错。
- Scientific research institutions in foreign countries take great pains to revitalize their ranks by regularly bringing in bright, active young people. 外国科研机构很注意更新科研队伍,经常补充年轻的、思想灵活的人进来。
- Mary took great pains with her English lesson and got high marks. 玛丽下苦功学习英语并取得高分。