- B: It took first place in the contest. 在比赛中得了第一名。
- Not to take first place in the old Bucks, LAS tough to be tough again, bravely cut inside, to battling tough rebounds, he is the new boss of the conduct of law. 要想不走当初在雄鹿的老路,阿联必须硬朗再硬朗,勇敢地切入内线,强悍地拼抢篮板,这才是他在新东家的立身之法。
- Didier took first place in Paris-Bercy, Bardonnechia, Marseille, and Snowbird (Utah). Didier在Paris-Bercy、Bardonnechia、Marseille及Snowbird(犹他州)拿到第一名。
- Mary won first place in the singing contest. 玛丽在歌唱比赛中得第一名。
- take first place in the examination 在考试中得了第一
- An Oregon farmer took first place in the Half Moon Bay World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off with a record breaking gourd measuring 1,524 pounds. 一位奥勒冈州的农夫在半月湾世界南瓜秤重锦标赛中夺得冠军,他的南瓜重一五二四磅刷新了记录。
- These duties should take first place. 这些职责应该放在首位。
- George of Ontario,took first place in the steeplechase at the 1900 Olympics in Paris,but because Canada didn't have an official team,he entered as part of the American team instead. 奥兰多的乔治在1990年巴黎奥运会获得障碍赛冠军。但由于加拿大没有正式队,他只好为美国队效力。
- George Orton of Strathroy, Ontario, took first place in the steeplechase at the 1900 Olympics in Paris, but because Canada didn't have an official team, he entered as part of the American team instead. 奥兰多的乔治在1990年巴黎奥运会获得障碍赛冠军。 但由于加拿大没有正式队,他只好为美国队效力。
- They tied for first place in the high jump. 他们在跳高比赛中并列第一名。
- George Orton of Strathroy, Ontario, took first place in the steeplechase at the 1900 Olympics in Paris, but because Canada didn抰 have an official team, he entered as part of the American team instead. 奥兰多的乔治在1990年巴黎奥运会获得障碍赛冠军。但由于加拿大没有正式队,他只好为美国队效力。
- The output of the strengthen timber apron, high density fiberboard, hits the density fiberboard, gathers the output of sticking the panel, OSB board of cyanogens amine takes first place in the world. 其强化木地板、高密度纤维板、中密度纤维板、三聚氰胺贴面板、OSB板的产量均居世界领先地位。
- The two teams tied for first place in the league. 两队在联赛中并列第一。
- George Orton of Strathroy, Ontario, took first place in the steeplechase at the 1900 Olympics in Paris,because Canada didn抰 have an official team, he entered as part of the American team instead. 奥兰多的乔治在1990年巴黎奥运会获得障碍赛冠军。但由于加拿大没有正式队,他只好为美国队效力。
- They tied for first place in the examination. 在这次考试中,他们几个人并列第一名。
- He got the first place in the contest. 他在比赛中获得第一名。
- She won the first place in a speech contest. 她在一场演讲比赛中得到第一名。
- I took the first place in the race. 我在赛跑中获得第一名。
- Our team took the first place in basketball match. 我们队在篮球比赛中获第一名。
- Jack won the first place in the race. 杰克在赛跑中取得了第一。