- Would you be kind enough to take a message to him? 拜托您捎个信儿给他。
- Please take a message to him by way of reply. 请你给他带个回话。
- I asked him to take a message to my sister. 我请他给我妹妹带个口信。
- Will you relay a message to him when you see him? 你见到他时,给他带个口信好吗?
- Would you like to give a message to him? 请你给他捎个口信,好吗?
- I need to give a message to him. 我应该给他捎个口信。
- take a message to him 给他递个口信
- He left a message to the doorman. 他给看门人留了个话。
- I sent a message to Mary via her friend. 我通过玛丽的朋友带信给她。
- I sent a message to Mary via her sister. 我通过玛丽的姐姐转给玛丽一封信。
- Reverend Robert Willing urged us old-marrieds to take a message to young people today. 牧士罗伯特·威林要求我们这些老年夫妇将有关婚姻的传统见解传达给当今的年轻人。
- If you'll leave a message,I'll convey it to him. 如果你愿意留下口信,我会转告他的。
- He's not in. May I take a message for him? 他不在,我能替他捎个口信吗?
- If encroaches upon your copyright, please take a message to me, I will delete it. 如侵犯您的版权,请直接留言给我,我将删除。
- Rinpoche also told me very specifically that I must continue to chant Om Mani Padme Hung for TM and keep reading a message to him from Rinpoche. 仁波切也特别地告诉我,应该持续地唱诵六字大明咒给TM听,且不断地念仁波切的指示给他听。
- Would you like me to take a message for you? 我替您捎口信好不好?
- Although 80% possibly is defusion, I still send a message to him, as I expect, he refused me politely because of his class! 虽然八成的可能都是回绝,但是最终还是给他发了短信,如我所料的以“上课”为由很委婉的回绝了!
- John failed the exam, it was cold comfort to him to be told that he could take a make-up exam next semester. 约翰考试不及格,告诉他下学期可以补考只是徒增他的烦恼而已。
- She asked me to take a message for you. 她让我捎个口信给你。
- Would you like me to take a message? 你要我给他留言吗?