- taenia habenulae 缰
- Shanghai Yuanyi Plait Taenia Co., Ltd. 上海缘谊织带有限公司。
- Also common is Taenia pisiformis, spread by ingesting rabbits and rodents. 豆状带绦虫引起的绦虫病也很普遍,传播媒介为兔和啮齿动物。
- This article reported one case of Taenia nana infection in Yunnan,China. 本文报道了云南省微小膜壳绦虫感染1例。
- Who is the only hook tapeworm final host, the pigs are Taenia solium one of the intermediate host. 人是有钩绦虫的唯一终末宿主,猪是有钩绦虫的中间宿主之一。
- Abstract: Objective:To investigate whether the habenula takes part in the depressor effect of losartan. 摘 要: 目的:探讨缰核是否参与芦沙坦外周降压过程的调节。
- Objective:To observe the process that eggs of Taenia solium were hatched using sodium hypochrite. 目的:观察次氯酸钠作用下猪带绦虫卵的孵化过程。
- OBJECTIVE To study the direct projection from the nucleus in the parenchyma of the pineal gland to the habenula nucleus. 观察金仓鼠松果体与缰核之间的神经联系。
- The results indicated that Taiwan Taenia is different from classical T. saginata. 由研究结果证明台湾绦虫与无钩绦虫不同。
- Results:The embryo membrane of Taenia solium eggs dissolved and oncospheres transgressed. 0%25次氯酸钠溶液孵化猪带绦虫虫卵,以显微镜进行动态观察。
- Study of specific and protective antigens of Taenia solium is the base for diagnosis and immunity of cysticercosis. 猪囊尾蚴特异性和保护性抗原的研究是猪带绦虫病、猪囊尾蚴病免疫和诊断的基础。
- Objective To investigate the epidemiological features of Taenia saginata asiatica in Duyun area, Guizhou province. 目的了解亚洲牛带绦虫病在我省都匀地区的流行特点。
- Moreover, the activation of central nucleus of amygdala or medial part of lateral habenula is involved in mediating the morphine withdrawal or drug seeking. 发现杏仁核参与吗啡戒断反应,内侧僵核与条件性线索诱导复吸有关;
- The pig is the main carrier of the taenia solium worm, which is found it its flesh. 猪肉绦虫主要生 活在猪体内,经常发现在猪肉中。
- Limbic system is the center of emotional response, and the habenula, which is relevant to the stress reaction, is an important hinge between limbic forebrain and brain stem. 缰核不仅与应激反应有关,还与抑郁症发病密切相关的核团海马和中缝核有往返的纤维和功能联系。
- ObjectiveTo quantitatively compare the cochlear hair cell loss with the nerve fiber loss in the habenula perforata in the early stage of carboplatin ototoxicity in chinchilla. 目的定量观察和比较灰鼠耳蜗毛细胞和缰孔内神经纤维数量在卡铂耳中毒早期损害过程中的变化。方法在耳蜗基底膜铺片的基础上制备耳蜗毛细胞图;
- To detect the glutathione S-trans ferase(GST) activity in the fluid of the larvae of Taenia solium(Cysticercus c ellulosae). 目的:探讨猪带绦虫囊尾蚴囊液内谷胱甘肽S转换酶(gst)的活性。
- Objective:To detect the glutathione S-trans ferase(GST) activity in the fluid of the larvae of Taenia solium(Cysticercus c ellulosae). 目的:探讨猪带绦虫囊尾蚴囊液内谷胱甘肽S转换酶(GST)的活性。
- The sigmoid colon at the right appears lighter in color than the adjacent small intestine and has a band of taenia coli muscle running longitudinally. 右边的乙状结肠在颜色上比临近的小肠浅,有结肠带。乙状结肠的突出物是多个圆形的蓝灰色的憩室。
- Taenia solium cysticercus is the larva of T. solium.It causes Taenia solium cysticercosis when man were infected with cysticercus of Taenia solium. 有关猪囊虫病疫苗的研制有许多方法,包括虫体来源的天然抗原或重组抗原,蛋白亚单位疫苗,以及核酸疫苗。