- My cousin is a baseball player. He is a catcher. 我的表弟是个垒球运动员,他是一个接球员。
- Her hair style was a real eye catcher. 她的发型确实引人注目。
- This kind of tablet is soluble in water. 这种药片能溶于水。
- The catcher signaled for a low fast ball. 捕手发出投快速低球的信号。
- How can they make me catcher just because I am big? 他们怎么可以因为我块头大,就要我当捕手?
- My nephew is a baseball player. He is a catcher. 我的侄子是个垒球运动员,他是一个接球员。
- There is a tablet in memory of those who died. 那儿有一块碑纪念死去的人。
- tablet catcher 路牌接受机
- Take two of the tablet three times daily before meals. 每日三次,每次两片,饭前服用。
- Fill a glass with water and dissolve this tablet in it. 倒杯水把药片放进去溶解了。
- Fouled twice and then struck out; fouled out to the catcher. 两击出界后三振出局; 被捕手接住界外球而出局
- The catcher signaled him to swerve. 接手示意他投弧线球。
- The catcher was dinged on the head by a wild throw. 那个凶猛的投球打在接手的头上。
- A tablet commemorates his patriotic activities. 碑文铭记他的爱国行动。
- The catcher motioned to the pitcher. 捕手用手势向投手做信号。
- There are rubbings from tablet inscriptions. 这些是碑文摹拓本。
- She crushed up the tablet to give it to the baby. 她把药片碾碎后喂小孩吃。
- These tablet shall clear up the trouble. 这些药片可以解除这病痛。
- An engraved slab or tablet bearing an inscription or a device. 匾,碑上面刻有铭文或图案的一块石板或匾
- The catcher caught the ball cleanly. 接球手利落地接住了来球。