- The solution: systematic training model! 解决方案:系统化培训模式!
- Management Trainee Receives systematic training in the company. 行政见习员在公司内接受有系统训练。
- People in such units should be given systematic training and arrangements should be made for their well-being. 对这三类单位所有人员需要有计划地进行培训,生活也要安排好。
- The institute aims to provide systematic training in the preparation of Chinese cuisine for both new entrants to the industry and in-service personnel. 学院的宗旨,是为新入行人士及现职从业员提供有系统的中菜烹饪训练。
- The Traineeship Scheme provides systematic training for people supported by employers in the accountancy sector. 提供有系统的训练给予雇主推荐的会计见习。
- This kind of ability is not born, but it can be acquired in natural ways and through systematic training. 这种能力不是天生的,而需要通过自然途径或专门系统的学习才能获得。
- Due to various unfavourable circumstances, systematic training in focusing has not really come into being . 由于种种条件的不足,与聚焦相关的系统训练,还没有真正开始。
- I would like to speak tonight about the six steps, or aims, of systematic training, toward being successful in the saddle. 我今天晚上想说的系统训练的六个步骤或者说是目标,它可以成就一个成功的骑手。
- Many well-known Western modern dance experts were invited to China successively to give systematic training in shape and choreography. 陆续邀请西方著名现代舞专家,进行系统的形体及编舞法训练。
- Job Description-Help establish systematic training programs for shop floor workers-Carry out training needs anal...... ... 公司名称:博世汽车柴油系统股份有限公司工作地点:江苏省无锡市发布时间:2009-6-10
- We need a systematic training program. First, we should do some flexibility exercises, and then I will customize a training program for you. 我们需要一个系统的训练计划.;先要做些适应性训练
- The systematic training of students in the practice of Art, in order that they may understand its principles, give instruction to others, or become artists. 系统的训练学生的艺术实践,使他们可以理解其原则,教导别人,或者成为艺术家。
- MDP Program:"Management Development Program",that is through a comprehensive and systematic training program for six months, to make trainee become an excellent Division Manager. 通过全面而系统的6个月的培训课程,使受培训者成为一名优秀的处长级管理人员。
- At present, there are many temporary substitute teachers in the mid-western regions of China.Many of them lack systematic training and have low attainments in knowledge. 摘要当前我国中西部地区农村学校存在着大量的代课教师,他们很多人缺乏系统培训,知识素养低。
- FTC China will provide talents with systematic training programs and quick career advancement opportunities. Please send your CV with salary expectation. 对所述职位有意者,请将您详细的个人中英文简历、近照一张及相关资料寄至本公司。
- Medical aid systems will be set up and first aid networks improved and,in view of the medical missions during the Games,systematic training programs will be offered to the medical workers. 医疗救助系统将会建立起来,而且急救网络将会提高。针对奥运会期间医疗卫生承担的任务,采取多种形式有计划地对医务人员进行培训。
- MDP Program:“ Management Development Program”, that is through a comprehensive and systematic training program for six months, to make trainee become an excellent Division Manager. 通过全面而系统的6个月的培训课程,使受培训者成为一名优秀的处长级管理人员。
- It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。
- Medical aid systems will be set up and first aid networks improved and, in view of the medical missions during the Games, systematic training programs will be offered to the medical workers. 针对奥运会期间医疗卫生承担的任务,采取多种形式有计划地对医务人员进行培训。
- Every province, every municipality and autonomous region should take up theoretical work and systematically train Marxist theorists and critics. 每个省市自治区都要把理论工作搞起来,有计划地培养马克思主义的理论家和评论家。