- Click OK to close the Edit System Variable dialog box. 单击“确定”关闭“编辑系统变量”对话框。
- Click the System Variable list to highlight it, and then click New. 点系统变量,连后点新建。
- Is the ordinal of the first system variable to return. 是返回的第一个系统变量的序号。
- In the Edit System Variable dialog box, add the directory to Variable value. 在“编辑系统变量”对话框中,将该目录添加到“变量值”中。
- You configure the Audit transformation by providing the name of a new output column to add to the transformation output, and then mapping the system variable to the output column. 您可以通过提供要添加到转换输出的新输出列的名称,然后将系统变量映射到该输出列,来配置审核转换。
- Added section about using system variables in parameter bindings. 添加了有关在参数绑定中使用系统变量的部分。
- Click the New button below the System Variables panel. 点击“系统变量”面板下的“新建”按钮。
- The result showed that,when the sequence contents smoothly curve incompletely,not only GIM(1) grey model is better than GM(1,1) one in Whitening system variable and comparable with GSM(1) one,but also its information rate is higher. 初步应用表明,在序列不完全满足光滑化条件时,GIM(1)灰色模型对系统变量的“白化”能力较GM(1,1)强,而与GSM(1)灰色模型相当,信息利用率高,是分析、预测环保投资动态发展趋势一条切实可行的途径。
- This thesis introduces the concept of ACAD template. Taking architectural template as an example,from three aspects such as drawing graphic frame,establishing environment and setting system variable,the writers discuss how to make ACAD template in detail. 介绍了用 ACAD底图的概念 ,并以建筑底图为例 ,从图框绘制、环境建立以及系统变量设置三方面详细讨论了底图的制作方法
- A different set of system variables is available for different container types. 不同的容器类型有一组不同的系统变量可用。
- After the country is reunified peacefully, Taiwan may practice systems variable from those on the mainearth and enjoy a high degree of autonomy. 全国和平统一后,台湾高雄没出国疑问实行不相同于陆地的制度,高度自治。
- It is frequently useful to save the values of system variables in tables when the package is run. 通常在包运行时,需要在表中保存系统变量的值。
- The combo box now contains all the available variables, including system variables. 组合框现在包含所有可用变量,包括系统变量。
- Multiple threads may need to access a shared database, for instance, or make updates to a set of system variables. 例如,多个线程可能需要访问一个共享数据库,或对一组系统变量进行更新。
- System variables contain useful information about a package, container, task, or event handler. 系统变量包含有关包、容器、任务或事件处理程序的非常有用的信息。
- Integration Services supports two types of variables: user-defined variables and system variables. Integration Services支持两种类型的变量:用户定义的变量和系统变量。
- The following table describes the system variables that Integration Services provides for event handlers. 下表介绍Integration Services为事件处理程序所提供的系统变量。
- The following table describes the system variables that Integration Services provides for packages. 下表介绍Integration Services为包提供的系统变量。
- The following table describes the system variables that Integration Services provides for tasks. 下表介绍Integration Services为任务提供的系统变量。
- The following table describes the system variables that the Audit transformation can use. 下表介绍了审核转换可以使用的系统变量。