- system standard format sequential file 系统标准格式顺序文件
- multifile system standard format tape 多文件系统标准格式带
- system standard format 系统标准格式
- Save the file in a standard format. 以标准格式保存图片。
- Convert customer BOM into internal standard format, then apply for internal Material Part No. in system. 将客户提供的bom作内部格式标准化,并在系统中申请内部物料号。
- All Internet addresses follow the standard format: userid@ domain . 所有因特网地址,都遵循下述准格式:userid domain。
- Component object model (COM) is the binary system standard for windows object. 组件对象模型(简称COM)是windows对象的二进制标准。
- Are the evaluation reports prepared in a standard format and subject to review? 评估报告是否按标准格式拟定及不时进行检讨?
- The standard format for Web pages, which can be read by Web browsers. Web浏览器能读取的Web页面的标准格式。
- This means that Web services send and receive messages in a standard format. 意思是说Web服务相互之间用一种标准的格式发送和接收消息。
- Communicating with a Web service method using SOAP follows a standard format. 使用SOAP与Web服务方法通信时采用标准格式。
- As output, this example sends the audit information in a raw form to the system standard out. 作为输出,该范例将审核资讯以原始形式发送到系统标准输出中。
- Secondly, the article thinks behaviorism is system standard of antimonopoly of intellectual property. 其次,本文认为行为主义是知识产权领域反垄断的制度标准。
- Company strictly according to modern enterprise system standard management, humanist, prestige first, apparent mass for enterprise life. 公司严格按现代企业制度规范管理,以人为本,信誉第一,视质量为企业生命。
- MSBuild project file comments are written in the standard format for comments in an XML file. MSBuild项目文件的注释以XML文件的标准注释的格式编写。
- Methods: 936 cases of cervical smears were screened by PAPNET CCT in this hospital and diagnosed according to TBS diagnosis system standard. 方法:对妇科病普查中936例宫颈涂片标本采用PAPNET全自动电脑扫描和诊断系统行细胞学筛选,按TBS诊断分类标准诊断,并按不同年龄及宫颈光滑与糜烂程度进行对照。
- PGC files that do not obey the standard format will have to be merged manually using the Pgomgr tool. 不遵从标准格式的PGC文件必须使用Pgomgr工具手动合并。
- Quality System of Beijing Modern Building Materials Co. has been certified by CJCCC that it conforms to GB/T-19002 idt ISO9002 Quality System Standard. 现代建材公司质量体系已通过中国建材质量体系认证中心ISO9002质量体系认证。
- XLIFF is designed to make localization easier by providing a standard format for exchanging translatable data. XLIFF通过为交换可翻译数据提供标准格式达到简化本地化的目的。
- This layer encodes each message fragment into a standard format suitable for transmission over the network. 此层将每个消息片段编码为适合在网络上传输的标准格式。