- system security audit 系统安全审计
- ICAO conducted security audit on Hong Kong. 國際民航組織在香港進行保安審計。
- For a compendium of system security definitions. 以获得关于系统安全定义的概要。
- System Security - IBM Security password retry count exceeded. 系统安全性 - 超出 IBM 安全性密码重试次数。
- System Security - Security password retry count exceeded. 系统安全性 - 超出安全性密码重试次数。
- System Security - Embedded Security hardware tamper detected. 系统安全性-检测到。
- Snapshot of system security policy and user rights are saved. 系统安全策略和用户权利的快照已被保存。
- Abstract: Authenticating user is a core part of system security. 文章摘要: 对用户的认讧是系统安全的核心组成部分之一。
- The Security Audit Event Category includes event classes that are used to audit server activity. Security Audit事件类别包括用于审核服务器活动的事件类。
- The goal of a security audit is to get an understanding of where the vulnerabilities are,how severe they are,and what needs to be done to fix them. 安全审计的目的就是要了解弱点在哪些地方,它们的严重程度如何,改正它们需要做什么工作。
- Fortunately,security tools are getting friendlier,and performing a security audit is less of a black art and more of a doable,everyday IS task. 幸运的是,目前安全工具变得较为友好,实现安全审计更多的是信息系统部门日常可做的任务,而较少的妖术成分。
- Fortunately, security tools are getting friendlier, and performing a security audit is less of a black art and more of a doable, everyday IS task. 幸运的是,目前安全工具变得较为友好,实现安全审计更多的是信息系统部门日常可做的任务,而较少的妖术成分。
- In general, data security and system security can be separately distinguished. 通常,数据安全和系统安全可以分开来考虑。
- The goal of a security audit is to get an understanding of where the vulnerabilities are, how severe they are, and what needs to be done to fix them. 安全审计的目的就是要了解弱点在哪些地方,它们的严重程度如何,改正它们需要做什么工作。
- The result is determined by the system security policy exclusive of any. 策略之外的系统安全策略决定。
- Series on developerWorks is a must-have tool for Linux system security. 系列文章是实现Linux系统安全性的一个必备工具。
- This paper designs a framework of network security audit based on network sniffer which is suite for medium and big enterprise network environment. 本文对网络安全审计的相关技术进行了研究,针对中大规模企业网环境设计和实现了一个基于网络嗅探器技术的网络安全审计系统。
- The development server can handle only a single request at a time reliably, and it has not gone through a security audit of any sort. 翻译:在同一时间,该服务器只能可靠地处理一次单个请求,并且没有进行任何类型的安全审计。
- AOP can Improve system security, the reusability of modules security. 它能提高系统的安全性、安全模块的重用性。
- User management is the key technology of system security under CSCW. 用户管理是保证CSCW系统安全的重要环节。