- Class is loaded by the system class loader. 类别是由系统类别载入器载入的。
- A system class is automatically defined in each namespace. 系统类是在每个命名空间中自动定义的。
- Instance. It uses the system class loader to achieve this. 实例;它使用系统类装载程序来达到这个目的。
- To derive from an existing control class, store the system class name in this property. 若要从现有的控件类派生,请将系统类的名称存储于该属性中。
- Is not in the classpath of the system class loader or its parent or ancestor class loaders. 不在系统类别载入器或者它的双亲或祖先类别载入器的类别路径中。
- Is on the classpath of a user-defined class loader, which is a child of the system class loader. 在用户客制的类别载入器的类别路径中,这个类别载入器是系统类别载入器的孩子。
- The fingerprints may be specified by operating system class, by version,or by subtype/patchlevel. 识别可以区分操作系统,版本,(小版本号,或者说是补丁)
- In Decision Support System class today, professor asked us to guess what's the average Radford graduates' credit card debt. 今天上决策支援系统,老师要大家猜我们学校平均毕业生的信用卡债。
- If you go back to the beginning,select java.lang and then System,you'll see that the System class has several fields,and if you select out you'll discover that it's a static PrintStream object. 如果你要回到文档最开头的部分(我已将其设为自己的默认起始页),请选择java.;lang,再选System。这时可看到System类有几个字段。若选择out,就可知道它是一个static PrintStream对象。
- The problem with this approach is that the LogManager instance uses the system class loader to instantiate classes from the configuration file. 这种方法的问题是LogManager实例使用了系统类的装载程序从配置文件中对类进行实例化。
- For instance, classes in the system class loader class space should not refer to classes in the class space of a child or a descendant class loader. 例如,在系统类别载入器类别空间中的类别,不应当指向孩子或子孙类别载入器的类别空间中的类别。
- If you go back to the beginning, select java.lang and then System, you'll see that the System class has several fields, and if you select out you'll discover that it's a static PrintStream object. 观察packages.;html文档最开头的部分(我已将其设为自己的默认起始页),请选择java
- Created at installation time, these files store an internal representation of the system classes. 这些文件在安装时创建,保存着系统类的内部表示方式。
- For now, ignore the system classes and scroll down the Query Result dialog until you get to classes that begin with CIM_. 现在,忽略系统类,向下滚动“查询结果”对话框直至看到以CIM_开头的类。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- The drainage system has been aged. 排水系统已经老化了。