- Transact-SQL defines server system stored procedures and system functions that return catalog information. Transact-SQL定义了返回目录信息的服务器系统存储过程和系统函数。
- Added information about full-text Data Definition Language (DDL) statements and system stored procedures. 添加了有关全文数据定义语言(DDL)语句和系统存储过程的信息。
- The following tables list the changes to parameters in the Database Engine system stored procedures. 下表列出了对数据库引擎系统存储过程中的参数的更改。
- You can monitor SQL Server activity by using the sp_who and sp_lock system stored procedures. 可以通过使用sp_who和sp_lock系统存储过程监视SQL Server活动。
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 supports the following system stored procedures that are used for XML text management. Microsoft SQL Server 2005支持用于XML文本管理的下列系统存储过程。
- The catalog views and system stored procedures listed in this section can be used to get information about DDL Triggers. 本节列出的目录视图和系统存储过程可用于获取有关DDL触发器的信息。
- This can create situations in which some system stored procedures do not operate as expected when they are exposed on an HTTP endpoint. 这会导致出现这样的情况:当在某个HTTP端点上公开一些系统存储过程时,这些系统存储过程并不按预期的方式操作。
- You can view database, file, partition, and filegroup properties using a variety of catalog views, system functions, and system stored procedures. 可以使用各种目录视图、系统函数和系统存储过程来查看数据库、文件、分区和文件组的属性。
- Unless otherwise indicated, all system stored procedures return a value of 0 to indicate success and a nonzero value to indicate failure. 除非特别指明,否则所有系统存储过程返回0值表示成功,返回非零值则表示失败。
- Learn to program using system stored procedures, which provide access to all of the user-configurable functionality in a replication topology. 了解如何使用系统存储过程(提供对复制拓扑中所有用户可配置功能的访问)进行编程。
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 supports the following system stored procedures that allow OLE automation objects to be used within a Transact-SQL batch. Microsoft SQL Server 2005支持以下允许在Transact-SQL批处理中使用OLE自动对象的系统存储过程。
- You access SQL Trace either through SQL Server Profiler, a graphical user interface, or through Transact-SQL system stored procedures entered at the command line. 可以通过SQL Server事件探查器(一个图形用户界面)或在命令行输入的Transact-SQL系统存储过程访问SQL跟踪。
- If you intend to expose system stored procedures as part of your own custom SQL Server management solution, you may use the following alternative approaches. 如果想要将系统存储过程作为您自己的自定义SQL Server管理解决方案的一部分公开,您可以使用下列几种备选方法。
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 supports the following system stored procedures that are used to perform e-mail operations from within an instance of SQL Server. Microsoft SQL Server 2005支持以下这些用于从SQL Server实例中执行电子邮件操作的系统存储过程。
- Microsoft considers the system stored procedures, DDL, and SQL-SMO published interfaces, and works to maintain the backward compatibility of these interfaces. Microsoft考虑了系统存储过程、DDL和SQL-SMO发布的接口,力求保留这些接口的向后兼容性。
- SQL Server 2005 supports the following system stored procedures that implement ODBC data dictionary functions and isolate ODBC applications from changes to underlying system tables. SQL Server 2005支持下列系统存储过程,这些存储过程实现ODBC数据字典功能并隔离ODBC应用程序使之不受基础系统表更改的影响。
- Replication system stored procedures are documented and available as a method for accomplishing one-time tasks, such as implementing replication, and for using in batch files and scripts. 复制系统存储过程被记录并用作完成一次性任务(如实现复制)以及在批文件和脚本中使用的方法。
- Records of this type can be inserted into the audit trail using a system stored procedure called sa_audit_string. 可使用名为sa_audit_string的系统存储过程将这种类型的记录插入到审计追踪中。
- We do not recommend that you name a user-defined stored procedure with the same name as a system stored procedure. 建议不要使用与系统存储过程相同的名称命名用户定义存储过程。
- You can also view the SPID column that is returned by the sp_who system stored procedure. 还可以查看sp_who系统存储过程返回的SPID列。